ICT Research School Annual Meeting 2024
Every year the Research School in Information and Communication Technology invites to a seminar where the PhD candidates have the possibility to exchange research ideas and experiences, to build and broaden their research networks, and to improve their presentation skills.

Main content
The ICT Research School's annual meeting is organized by and for PhD candidates enrolled in the PhD program at the Department of Informatics. The aim of this event is to strengthen networking and collaboration among the candidates, as well as to give them the opportunity to hold a seminar/lecture on an individually selected subject to complete 1 of the 3 required ECTS in the dissemination part of the training component. The guidlines for this seminar/lecture can be found here: https://www.uib.no/en/ii/159997/guidelines-seminar-self-selected-topic-inf930
When & Where?
The gathering will take place at Solstrand (where we had our department gathering in April). We will travel by buss from Høyteknologisenteret on the 11th of November and back again the 13th.
What will we do?
During our stay, we will engage in a variety of academic and social activities centered around the theme of Interdisciplinary Research.
Do you know what the Didactics group does? Are you familiar with the work of the Selmer Center? Are you aware of the research happening in groups other than your own? Computer Science is a broad field with numerous methodologies, many of which could enhance your research. For example, visualization techniques can benefit didactics research, and algorithmic strategies can support machine learning efforts. However, without awareness of these diverse fields, we cannot fully leverage their insights. At Solstrand, we will participate in several activities focused on Interdisciplinary Research. Sharing what we do in our own groups and how fields can be combined.
Additionally, we will have a few activities centered around skills relevant for all PhDs, regardless of research group.
Guidelines for seminar on a self-selected topic INF930
Questions The registration link will be sent to all PhD candidates enrolled in the PhD program at the Department of Informatics via email. If you have questions about the annual meeting 2024, please contact this year's organizing committee:
- Sondre Sæther Bolland (Committee head)
- Irati Manterola Ayala
- Wim Van den Broeck
- Morten Blørstad
Lectures on an Individually Selected Subject
The Cryptography in the Blockchain - Dian Li I will give a comprehensive introduction to blockchain technology, focusing on the essential principles and mechanisms that make it a secure and reliable system related to the cryptography part.
DAGs, git and a cryptocurrency for Internet of Things - Atharva Phanse Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) are an interesting data structure with a wide range of practical applications. This talk will explore the concept of DAGs and their application in commonly used technologies such as Git, a version control system. We then look at how DAGs are used in the IOTA cryptocurrency. IOTA uses a DAG-based distributed ledger architecture, which is fundamentally different from the Blockchain architecture used, for example, in Bitcoin. The goal of this presentation is to explore the theory behind DAG-based ledgers, discuss their advantages and disadvantages, and consider future possibilities
Invited Speakers
The academic paper as literature - Martha Hovd When you’re writing an academic paper, be it for a journal, conference, or any other academic outreach platform, you are producing text within a literary genre. And like any other genre, ‘academic paper’ comes with certain expectations and limitations, which have developed over the rich history of the genre. The lecture will deal with the history of scientific writing as a literary genre and what defines it today, with the aim being to better understand academic writing as a discipline, a better grasp on how you can write academically, and (hopefully) to entertain.
Useful Feedback - David Grellscheid Giving and receiving feedback can feel awkward when you haven't done it often. I'll show some strategies and methods for making this process easier, taking a lot of the conflict potential away.
Share your science: Visualization for communication - Laura Garrison Most of us generally understand the power of visualization to communicate information and ideas, with numerous tools available to democratize the creation of such visuals. However, many of us likely have also been through the equally frustrating experience of attempting to create visualizations describing our science and felt disappointed and dissatisfied with the results. In this talk, I'll share practical tips and strategies that should help you to create more clear, and cohesive visuals that can successfully tell the story of your science, whether it takes the form of a conceptual diagram, a statistical chart, presentation, or other format.