Public defence: Philomena Njeri Ngugi
On December 10 Philomena Njeri Ngugiwill defend her doctoral thesis, titled "A Systematic Method for Evaluating Implementations of Electronic Medical Records Systems in Low- and Medium-Income Countries", for the PhD Degree at the University of Bergen.

Main content
Committee members:
Patrik Eklund, Professor, Umeå University
Melita Hajdinjak, Associate Professor, University of Ljubljana
Mehdi Elahi, Associate Professor, University of Bergen
About the thesis
The thesis develops and applies a systematic method for evaluating the state of Electronic Medical Record systems (EMRs) implementations. Acknowledging that user acceptance and satisfaction are critical factors for successful EMRs or Information System (IS) implementation, a summative evaluation (conducted after system development and implementation) was chosen for this evaluation study based on EMR system use construct of the validated DeLone and MacLean (D&M) IS success model. Given the significant upfront investments involved in EMRs implementations, evaluation research in this field is becoming important in order to answer key questions regarding the implementation effectiveness and economic value. The study was conceived out of an organizational need. The Government of Kenya Ministry of Health (MoH), funding agencies and EMRs implementing partners needed to know the actual status of EMRs use eight years post-implementation. Gathered/obtained practical knowledge on the actual status of EMRs implementations in Kenya provides MoH and other decision-makers with accurate and actionable information for improving the performance of the introduced EMRs as well as scale-up initiatives.
Meet the Candidate after the Public Defense
It will be possible to join us in digital meeting room for meet and greet directly after the public defense to meet and greet the candidate. In this meeting you may join with microphone and camera.
How to attend the public defence
Welcome to virtual trial lecture and defense! To attend the trial lecture and defense, click on the links above.
The defence will start at 11.00, sharp. You may leave and rejoin the meeting at any time. If the Zoom application is new to you, we recommend that you press the link well before the events to download the program.
The audience are observing participants only, and therefore not able to turn on microphone and camera during the events. We recommend choosing "Speaker view". Select this in the upper right corner when in Zoom.
Opponent ex auditorio must notify by email before 12.30 December 10th. Other questions may also be directed here.
The thesis is available on It is not allowed to download, print or share the thesis.
The trial lecture and defense will be recorded in case of technical difficulties. The recorded material will only be used if any member of the committee is absent due to technical errors, and we will delete it immediately after the committee has approved the events.