Department of Information Science and Media Studies

News archive for Department of Information Science and Media Studies

In the end of May Infomedia signed a memorandum of understanding with units at Dublin City University and Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City.
In this podcast, keen mediators and experienced professionals share their best tips on how you can work with mediation. Use their advice and expertise as a tool in your own communication work!
The Media Teacher Seminar was May 10th, and took place in Grieghallen in Bergen. The seminar's themes revolved around "New technology in the classroom" and "Courage and freedom of speech".
Member of the Research group for rhetoric, democracy and public culture, Jens E. Kjeldsen, as well as Mette Paust-Andersen and Elisabet Kolbrun Hansen, took nine high school students to the Nordic speech festival in Denmark.
The memorial prize was awarded by group member of the Research group for rhetoric, democracy and public culture, Jens E. Kjeldsen.
The public debate is commonly criticised for lacking deliberation. Therefore, the group member of the Research group for rhetoric, democracy and public culture, Ida Vikøren Andersen, argues that we need a better understanding of the rhetorical modes occurring instead of deliberation
In this paper, group member of the Research group for rhetoric, democracy and public culture, Ida Vikøren Andersen, discusses rhetorical studies’ contribution to the study of environmental communication.
“What is missing in the selective exposure theory is the fact that most likely people are reading a lot of information that they don’t agree with. Which is why I am shifting the attention to that,” Erik Knudsen says.
- As long as we don't know more about how Big Tech use the information we share with them, we should be careful about feeding the AI technology with potentially sensitive material, writes experts from the department in an op-ed published in Medier24.
At Centre for climate and energy transformation (CET) we are looking for a full time research assistant for one year. Deadline March 5th!
The Junior Scholars Network on AI, Media and Democracy aims to connect and support junior scholars who are conducting research relating to the development and use of AI by media and potential impacts on democracy.
Master`s graduate from the University of Bergen, Solveig Høegh-Krohn, on her role as researcher and the recent developments for the qualitative research conducted in the MUCS-project.
Media researchers from the Nordic countries comparing and sharing experiences for their research of how the Covid-19 pandemic was communicated and managed in the different countries.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic much research has been carried out on how the pandemic has affected society. Here you will find an overview of publications related to media use and the pandemic, by the scholars in Bergen Media Use Research Group.
Our associate professor Silje Kristiansen got accepted into UiB's career development program Momentum for 2023!
In their latest article in the international top journal Journalism, John Magnus Ragnhildson Dahl and Brita Ytre-Arne explain the meaning of metrics in journalism during the COVID-19 pandemic, from an audience perspective.
Researcher Erik Knudsen publishes new article in Journal of Communication. Knudsen provides a new theoretical framework for studying news recommenders systems impact on selective exposure in the online news environment.
Phd-candidate Mehri Agai publishes an article on Digital disconnection and identity in the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication.
