UiB Learning Arena

Booking and guidelines for use of UiB Learning Arena

Read more about booking and guidelines for using the UiB Learning Arena, including conditions for cancellation.

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All employees at UiB can book Storsalen or a seminar room in UiB Learning Arena. The arena can be used for a variety of different purposes, for courses and seminars, lectures, conferences and workshops.

Due to the overall purpose of UiB Learning Arena, the following types of activities will be prioritized: 

  • Continuing education - teaching, courses and seminars
  • Conferences/seminars and workshops organized by faculties or institutes
  • Service development activities and project support
  • Internal courses and training related to administrative services

How to book Storsalen and seminar rooms


Please read guidelines for booking and arrangements (currently in Norwegian only) 

Retningslinjer for bruk av UiB Læringsarena 2023