University Leadership
Rector candidate

Team Hagen

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Margareth Hagen is running as rector candidate in the rector election for 2021 with Pinar Heggernes as pro-rector candidate. With us, we have Annelin Eriksen and Gottfried Greve as vice-rector candidates.

We are a team from different parts of the university, from different subject areas, with different teaching and research methods, with broad and varied leadership experiences. Hence, together we have deep insight into the various academic environments and the everyday life of students, researchers, and technical and administrative staff. We are strongly committed to the university's central role in society, and we have a desire to protect the university's fundamental values at a time when they are under pressure, nationally and internationally. The fact that research is independent is fundamental to the development of society and to the quality and trust in the knowledge we create.

The University of Bergen is a research-intensive comprehensive university. The fundamental values in our election program are continuous work, quality, openness, free critical thinking and trust in the academic environments and faculties. We will work for an ambitious UiB - characterized by strong research and artistic development work, and research-based education. We want to be rigorous defenders of academic freedom and democracy, bold opinions and professional independence. We will work for a solid fundament for the core tasks of the university. We want to strengthen a proud UiB identity and a strong interaction between students, faculty members and other staff.

The national university landscape is changing, and we believe it is crucial that UiB develops its role as a strong research university. To achieve this, we will work systematically for quality in all areas, and stand firm in all choices where the university's core values are challenged. In the large diversity of educational institutions, we will work to ensure the research-intensive broad universities' important place in society.

We want UiB to be a university of the future. We can achieve this above all by investing in quality and a good academic environment for all students and scientist. We believe that it is now wisest for UiB to consolidate its core activity, strengthen the academic environments, and facilitate existing priority areas. In the coming years, two areas will stand out as pervasive: the university's role in the work for a sustainable future and in digital development.

The role of universities in society is extensive and profound. Our university contributes with creative work and groundbreaking research, we educate the workforce of the future and contribute with knowledge to solve key societal challenges. Through education, independent research and dissemination of knowledge, the university has a key democratic role. We will work for increased diversity among our students, scientists and staff. This is a responsibility that our rectorate will manage with great seriousness and care. It is also a responsibility we all – both employees and students - must take on.

We are strongly in favor of university democracy. An elected rectorate derives its legitimacy from the voters, from colleagues and students. The task of a rectorate is to facilitate good strategic and democratic processes in the organization, and to ensure that the institution has a good framework to become stronger. Elected rector involves a rectorate in interaction with a well-qualified administration with the university director at the helm. This makes the rectorate stronger, since it can concentrate on academic leadership and scientific development of the full breadth of subjects that are at an institution such as the University of Bergen.

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