The University Board 2012-2013

Main content
The University Board is the University of Bergen's highest body.
Elected members of the Board
Rector Sigmund Grønmo
Academic staff:
Gro Therese Lie
Peter M. Haugan
Temporary academic staff (1. august 2012-31. july 2013):
Lars Petter Storm Torjussen
Technical and administrative staff:
Gry Kibsgaard
The students (1.august 2012-31. july 2013):
Liv Heidi Ekre
Magne Seierslund
External members:
Oddny Miljeteig
Gerd Halmø
Johan Fredrik Odfjell
Joakim Palme
Deputy members of the Board
Prorector Berit Rokne
Academic staff:
1. Tore Grønlie
2. Pinar Heggernes
3. Bente Elisabeth Moen
4. Professor Helge Østbye
Temporary academic staff:
1. Kjetil K. Fosshagen
2. Ingeborg Brønstad
Technical and administrative staff:
1. Elisabeth Müller Lysebo
2. Morten-Christian Bernson
3. Ingrid Christensen
The students:
1.Hanne Kvilhaugsvik
2. Elin Monstad
3. Bjørn-Anders Hind
4. Anders Tangen
External members:
1. Anne Kverneland Bogsnes
2. Gunnar Bovim
3. Nina Broch Mathiesen
The University Director is the Board's secretary.