Mathematics with a Human Face: Set Theory within a Naturalized Wittgensteinean Framework

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For an updated list of guest lectures and seminars at the Wittgenstein Archives Bergen (WAB) please visit http://wab.uib.no/wab_goingon.page

  • Seventh workshop in the project
    Normativity in Nature: The Prospects of Re-enchantment
    Univ. of Bergen, 6-7 June 2024
    Organizer: Kevin Cahill

  • Andrew Norris (UC Santa Barbara): Johannes de Silentio's Private Language 
    Talk at the Dept. of Philosophy, Univ. of Bergen, 23 May 2024. 
    Organizer: Kevin Cahill

  • Sixth workshop in the project
    Mathematics with a Human Face (II)
    Univ. of Bergen, 21-22 May 2024
    Organizer: Sorin Bangu

  • Hanoch Ben-Yami (CEU Vienna): Wittgenstein and Waismann’s Open Texture
    Talk at the Dept. of Philosophy, Univ. of Bergen, 14 May 2024. 
    Organizers: Sorin Bangu, Alois PIchler

  • Jamie Tappenden (Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor): Johann Herbart and the Interpretation of Frege's Die Grundlagen der Arithmetik Talk at the Dept. of Philosophy, Univ. of Bergen, 7 May 2024. 
    Organizer: Sorin Bangu

  • Fifth workshop in the project
    Mathematics with a Human Face
    Boston University, Center for History and Philosophy of Science, 22 April 2024
    Organizer: Juliet Floyd (Boston Univ.)
    For a video recording  of the event scroll down on this webpage: https://www.bu.edu/cphs/colloquium/ 

  • Sorin Bangu: Innate Arithmetical Knowledge? A Look at the Empirical Evidence 
    Talk at the IHPST Paris, 21 March 2024 (invited) and Insitute Vienna Circle, 15 April 2024 (invited) 

  • Sorin Bangu: Wittgenstein on Scientism and Mathematics
    Talk at CELFIS, Univ. of Bucharest. 31 Jan. 2024 (invited) 

  • Martin Sætre: Wittgenstein's early Philosophy of Mathematics and Beyond: Continuities and Discontinuities 
    Trial lecture for PhD Disputas
    Univ. of Bergen, 1 Dec. 2023 
    Organizer: Faculty of Humanities, Univ. of Bergen

  • Knowledge, Chess, Wittgenstein and Dedekind: A (History of) Analytic Philosophy Workshop
    Univ. of Bergen, 30 Nov. 2023
    Organizer: Sorin Bangu, Kevin Cahill

  • Sorin Bangu. On the Grammar of Mathematical Propositions. Talk at the International Wittgenstein Symposium in Kirchberg am Wechsel, Aug. 2023 (invited)  

  • Fourth workshop in the project:  
    Wittgenstein on Mathematics, Mind and Language. Univ. of Bergen, 15-16 May 2023.Organizers: Sorin Bangu and Kevin Cahill (Univ. of Bergen) 

  • Sorin Bangu: Proofs and Concepts. Talk at “Wittgenstein on Mathematics, Mind and Language“ workshop. Bergen, 16 May 2023.

  • Kevin Cahill. Wittgensteinian Political Quietism. Talk at Univ. of Georgia, USA. 27 April 2023 (invited) 

  • Sorin Bangu: Wittgenstein on the Benacerraf Dilemma. Talk at conference “The Heuristic View. Logic, Mathematics and Science“. Rome, 20 Feb. 2023 (invited) 

  • Sorin Bangu: Wittgenstein on the dissolution of the Benacerraf Dilemma. Talk at conference “Wittgenstein and the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice“, Brussels, 30 March 2023 (keynote) 

  • Sorin Bangu: "There is Nothing to Explain": Wittgenstein on Scientism. Talk at Institute Vienna Circle. (Joint seminar w/ CEU) 24 Nov. 2022, Vienna. (invited) 

  • Martin Sætre (Bergen): Wittgenstein on the primacy of games. Talk at the Dept. of Philosophy, Univ. of Bergen, 22 Sept. 2022Organizers: Sorin Bangu and Kevin Cahill 

  • Arif Ahmed (Cambridge): Wittgenstein's Index Theory. Talk at the Dept. of Philosophy, Univ. of Bergen, 14 Sept. 2022Organizers: Sorin Bangu and Kevin Cahill

  • Sorin Bangu and Jeffrey Schatz: Wittgenstein on the Irrationals. Talk at “Wittgenstein on Foundations: Mathematics, Language, World“ conference at Wadham College, Oxford. Aug 2nd 2022 

  • Third workshop in the project:
    Wittgenstein on Foundations: Mathematics, Mind, WorldWadham College, Univ. of Oxford and Dept. of Philosophy, Univ. of Bergen. 1-2 August 2022Co-organizers: Sorin Bangu and Kevin Cahill (Bergen), Alex Paseau (Oxford, Wadham College) 
  • Sorin Bangu. Wittgenstein on the irrationals. Talk at IHPST Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 30 June 2022, 11.15-13. 
  • Second workshop in the project: Wittgenstein and PracticeUniv. of Bergen, 26-28 May 2022Co-organizers: Kevin Cahill, Sorin Bangu 
  • Sorin Bangu: Wittgenstein on Proof. Talk in Brussels, 10 March 2022. (invited)
  • Jeffrey Schatz: Universes without Objects. An Arealist’s Guide to the Set-Theoretic Multiverse 
    Bergen Phil. Dept. Seminar 26. januar 18.15-20.00
  • Sorin Bangu: An analogous investigation? Later Wittgenstein on psychological and mathematical discourse.
    At the workshop 'Wittgenstein and the formal sciences', ETH Zurich, 11 Jan. 2022
  • Kevin Cahill. (2021) A Parting of the Ways: A Sort of Prequel. Talk at Logisch-Philosophische Abhandlung- Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus; A Series of Centennial Lectures, The Joint Research Center in Logic of Tsinghua University and the University of Amsterdam, June 9. [zoom]
  • Sorin Bangu. (2021) Two dualisms in later Wittgenstein's writings on mathematics.
    Talk at Oxford Philosophy of Mathematics Seminar, 3 May. [zoom]
  • First workshop in the project: 
    Wittgenstein: Naturalism and Necessity  
    Dept. of Philosophy, University of Bergen, Nov. 21-22, 2019. 
    Co-organizers: Sorin Bangu, Kevin Cahill.
    Invited speakers: Bill Child (Oxford), Annalisa Coliva (UC Irvine), Oskari Kuusela (East Anglia), Juliet Floyd (Boston), Alexander George (Amherst), Severin Schroeder (Reading).
    The first workshop in the NFR funded project 'Mathematics with a Human Face'.
    Video recordings of the talks