Department of Mathematics

Overview of the programmes being offered by the Department of Mathematics

Main content

The Department of Mathematics offers a bachelor's degree programme in mathematics and several master's degree programmes specialising in various subjects. A list of these programmes can be found here and a list of all the courses offered by the department can be found here.

Admission requirements: Check the admission requirements for the various programmes by clicking on the links on that page.
NB: Note that the time frames for our master's degree programmes are absolute, and that for this reason, it is important that those who start such a programme have as good a basis as possible in place.

Application deadlines: For admission to our bachelor's programmes the application deadline is the 15th of April. Apply through Samordna opptak.

For admission to our various master's degree programmes there are two deadlines per year: the 1st of November for starting in the spring semester, and the 1st of June for starting in the autumn semester. Apply through Søknadsweb.
NB: The søknadsweb does not open until about a month before the deadline expires. You need not be a student at UiB to use søknadsweb to apply for admission to our master's degree programmes (the only criterion is that you have a Norwegian personal number), but students who have taken their bachelor's degree (or equivalent) with another educational institution should contact the department in good time to evaluate whether their education covers our admission requirements.