Faculty of Medicine

Innovation at the Faculty of Medicine – From knowledge to solutions

The research we produce is to be transformed into new ideas and solutions with clear societal benefit.

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The Faculty of Medicine define innovation broadly, and support innovative ideas through a variety of channels and meeting places:

  • Eitri The center is a collaboration between UiB, Helse Bergen, and VIS, focusing on the development of commercializable ideas and spin-out companies. It includes a business incubator, development labs, and support services.
  • Alrek Health Cluster focused towards health services, user engagement and social innovation.
  • Important innovation also happens in collaborative projects with industry, Haukeland University Hospital and Kunnskapskommunen.
  • Connect with your faculty innovation advisor even before the idea is ready for development, in order to get advice on possibilities, strategy and getting access to other support services. 

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