Research focus on biodiversity, systematics, biogeography and evolution of marine molluscs at a worldwide scale, with an emphasis on Heterobranchia gastropods

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The study of Molluscs
Molluscs are the second most diverse group of animals (only outnumbered by the insects) and the one with higher number of species in the marine environment. They have a staggering diversity of body shapes, ecologies, and sizes from minute worm like animals living between sand grains, to clams and snails with dazzling shells, mysterious giant squids and octopuses and of course flamboyant bright coloured sea slugs.
At the Department of Natural History, University Museum of Bergen, we research on various aspects of the morphology, diversity, systematics, phylogenetics, ecology, biogeography, and evolution of molluscs, using state of the art methods like DNA barcoding, molecular phylogenetics, electron microscopy, and CT-scanning. Our geographic scope covers nearly the whole World with projects on the Norwegian Sea, West Africa, Caribbean Sea, Indo-Pacific Ocean and Antarctica. We have regularly master and PhD students undertaking their research projects with us and collaborate actively with The Norwegian Taxonomic Initiative (Artsdatabanken).
Visit the webpage Mollusca Research for additional information on projects, publications, and the most recent news.