The UiB Brussels Office

News archive for The UiB Brussels Office

Interreg is an EU programme that supports cross-border cooperation to promote regional development, knowledge exchange and sustainable economic growth. It has a budget of € 8 billion for the period 2021-2027.
The Digital Europe Funding Initiative: A €7.5 Billion Investment in Digital Transformation" is a big opportunity for university researchers across the EU and Norway. With a focus on promoting research in fields such as supercomputing, artificial intelligence (AI), and cybersecurity, this funding source aims to accelerate innovation in the digital sphere. University researchers pondering over... Read more
EDF fosters collaboration in defence research and development across the EU, with a €8 billion budget for 2021-2027. University researchers can access grants covering up to 100% of costs for research actions, and varying percentages for development actions.
The program funds projects to make Europe better equipped to meet long-term health challenges. EU4HEALTH is a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which exposed fragility and weaknesses in European healthcare. The programme has a budget of € 5,3 billion for the period 2021-2027.
UiB strongly advocates for increased protection of academic freedom and urges the provision of more funding to research in the arts and humanities, as they are essential to a thriving democracy.