Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation (CET)

News archive for Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation (CET)

In CeSAM's interdisciplinary seminar series 2024-2025, we tackle big and small questions at the intersection between nature and politics. We take the Norwegian perspective as our starting point and put an interdisciplinary spotlight on Norway's implementation of the nature agreement. All welcome!
The collaborative project ECOBUDGETS will explore ways to integrate climate and nature budgets into administrative and political decisions at the municipal and county levels.
What can society do when climate change takes away crafts, traditions, knowledge about nature, and other intangible aspects of cultural heritage? Daniel Puig, a researcher at the Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation, is researching this question.
New research from the Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation (CET) and Chalmers University of Technology shows that a large CCS expansion and strong policy and investment efforts are essential to fulfil the climate targets in the Paris Agreement.