Centre for Sustainable Area Management (CeSAM)

News archive for Centre for Sustainable Area Management (CeSAM)

På Day Zero av Bærekraftskonferansen i Bergen 2020 myldret det i Storelogen på Kvarteret med over 80 entusiastiske mennesker som kom for å diskutere Nordhordland UNESCO Biosfæreområde som en arena for bærekraftig utvikling. Den interaktive arbeidssmia ble arrangert av UNESCO Chair ved Universitetet i Bergen, den norske UNESCO-kommisjonen, Nordhordland UNESCO Biosfæreområde og det norske FN-... Read more
On Day Zero of the 2020 Bergen SDG Conference, Storelogen at Kvarteret was crowded with more than 80 enthusiastic people eager to discuss Nordhordland UNESCO Biosphere as an arena for sustainable development. The interactive workshop was arranged by the UNESCO Chair at the University of Bergen, the Norwegian National Commission for UNESCO, Nordhordland UNESCO Biosphere and The United Nations... Read more
On Day Zero of the 2020 Bergen SDG Conference, Storelogen at Kvarteret was crowded with more than 80 enthusiastic people eager to discuss Nordhordland UNESCO Biosphere as an arena for sustainable development. The interactive workshop was arranged by the UNESCO Chair at the University of Bergen, the Norwegian National Commission for UNESCO, Nordhordland UNESCO Biosphere and The United Nations... Read more