Centre for Sustainable Area Management (CeSAM)

News archive for Centre for Sustainable Area Management (CeSAM)

We have received over 750 signatures to our appeal «Stortinget må sette kunnskapen i arbeid for å stoppe naturtapet» (Norwegian government must use knowledge-based solutions to stop the loss of nature), and many supportive messages in the commentary section.
CeSAM researchers Inger Måren and Katja Malmborg present the process of, and preliminary results from, their resilience asessment at The Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities' Sustainability Friday on December 13.
In this newly published op-ed, we argue that the Norwegian state must take more responsibility for protecting natural ecosystems by tightening regulations on land use in municipalities.
These days, Norway's plan following the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (the Norwegian Action Plan for Natural Diversity) is being discussed in the Norwegian Parliament. Our expectation of this plan was that it would not only describe the status of Norwegian nature, but also take this knowledge seriously by proposing necessary measures to slow down and reverse the loss of nature... Read more
25 prominent scientists call for knowledge-based action in this debate article, recently published in Khrono.
In CeSAM's interdisciplinary seminar series 2024-2025, we tackle big and small questions at the intersection between nature and politics. We take the Norwegian perspective as our starting point and put an interdisciplinary spotlight on Norway's implementation of the nature agreement. All welcome!
Researchers have sent a letter to the Parties and Presidents of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD; COP 16) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC, COP29) asking them to initiate a much-needed coordination of the work towards the two conventions.
The sixteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention of Biological Diversity (COP16) is taking place in Colombia at the end of October, and CeSAM leaders have been making their opinions heard ahead of the meeting.
The Annual meeting of the IPBES task force on scenarios and models was held on 17-20 June 2024 in Hayama, Japan hosted by the technical support unit (TSU) located in the Institute of Global Environmental Strategies. CeSAM researcher Dr. Ali K. Saysel, task force expert and professor at the Department of Geography, system dynamics group in UiB joined the meeting.
“When you give nature a chance, a difficult situation can quickly be reversed. However, in order to do that, decision-makers must have the knowledge they need to take the right measures” - Anne Larigauderie
The Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Dr. Anne Larigauderie, will receive an Honorary Doctorate at the University of Bergen on May 24th. CeSAM are pleased and honored to have assisted UiB with the scientific program around this visit. Anne will be present in Bergen from May 22nd – 25th, and there will be several opportunities to hear... Read more
We are excited to welcome two new PhD students in CeSAM; Janne Thomsen and Marte Klemetsdal will both be working closely within the CeSAM community.
The University of Bergen's communication section has an overview of local experts on various topic. We have now included CeSAM researchers in these lists, especially under the heading 'Nature deal, IPBES (naturpanelet), Nature Crisis and Natural Resources'.
Tundra ecosystems hold vast amounts of carbon, which is projected to be released into the atmosphere under climate warming. Researchers from the department of Biological Sciences contributed to this important and alarming new paper in Nature, led by researchers from Umeå University in Sweden.
As the days are slowly getting longer, we take a moment to reflect on our achievements from last year.
Klima- og miljødepartementet leder arbeidet med to stortingsmeldinger som skal legges fra ila. 2024; en om naturmangfold for å følge opp den internasjonale naturavtalen, og en om klima fram mot 2035 på veien mot lavutslippssamfunnet i 2050. UNESCO Chair Inger Måren har bidratt med innspill til regjeringen på vegne av CeSAM, Nordhordland UNESCO biosfæreområde, og den norske MAB-komiteen.
Our cheat sheet to the Kunming-Montréal Global Biodiversity Framework is getting widely shared, which is great news. To celebrate Sámi National day, it is now also available in Sámi.
February 7th the Centre for Sustainable Area Management (CeSAM) and the UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Heritage and Environmental Management hosted a student work shop during Day Zero of the 2024 Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDG) Conference.
