Research Group for East Slavic Languages, Societies and Cultures

Main content

Ingunn Lunde

2023. «Språkets motstandskraft– eller kollaps», Nordisk Østforum 37.

2023. «Ut av gråsonen: Språk og tilhørighet i to romaner om krigen i Donbas (Serhij Zjadans Internatet og Andrej Kurkovs Grå bier)». Norsk litteraturvitenskapelig tidsskrift 26 (1), 7–22. 

2022: “The Presence of the Past in Contemporary Russian Prose Fiction: A Comparative Reading of Guzel’Iakhina and Sergei Lebedev,” Zeitschrift für Slawistik 67 (2), 171–96 (open access)

2021: “Ortografi og ideologi: Da bolsjevikene kuppet rettskrivningsreformen i 1918,” ARR: idehistorisk tidsskrift, spesialnummer om Utdanning, vol. 3–4, pp. 17–29.

2020: “The Incarnation of the Past: Sergei Lebedev’s Poetics of Memory,” The Cultural is Political: Intersections of Russian Art and State Politics (Slavica Bergensia 13), edited by Irina Anisimova and Ingunn Lunde, Bergen, 177–99 (open access).

The Incarnation of the Past: Sergei Lebedev’s Poetics of Memory”, In: The Cultural is Political: Intersections of Russian Art and State Politics. Bergen: Dept of Foreign Languages, University of Bergen 2020, pp. 177–199

2020: (with Irina Anisimova) “Introduction” The Cultural is Political: Intersections of Russian Art and State Politics (Slavica Bergensia 13), edited by Irina Anisimova and Ingunn Lunde, Bergen, 5–13.

2019: “Geschichte, Politik und Kunst: literarische Verarbeitungen der russischen Geschichte am Beispiel von Michail Gigolašvilis Roman Tajnyj god (2012),” Osteuropa: Zeitschrift für Gegenwartsfragen des Ostens 1/2019, 163–76.

Fragmenter av fortid: Historiens rolle i russisk samtidslitteraturOslo: Dreyers forlag, 2019, 208 pp.

Language on Display: Writers, Fiction and Linguistic Culture in Post-Soviet Russia, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2018, 232 pp.


Kyle Marquardt


"Conceptual and measurement issues in assessing democratic backsliding." With Carl Henrik Knutsen, Brigitte Seim, et al. 2024. PS: Political Science & Politics. First View: 1-16.

Endogenous popularity: How perceptions of support affect the popularity of authoritarian regimes.” With Noah Buckley, Ora John Reuter and Katerina Tertytchnaya. 2023. American Political Science Review. First View: 1-7. 

Is Putin’s popularity (still) real? A cautionary note on using list experiments to measure popularity in authoritarian regimes.” With Timothy Frye, Scott Gehlbach and Ora John Reuter. 2023. Post-Soviet Affairs. 39(3):213-222.

“Language, ethnicity and separatism: Survey results from two post-Soviet regions.” 2022. British Journal of Political Science. 52(4):1831-1851

“Estimating latent traits from expert surveys: An analysis of sensitivity to data generating process.” With Daniel Pemstein. 2021. Political Science Research and Methods. First View.

“How and how much does expert error matter in expert-coded data? Implications for quantitative peace research.” 2020. Journal of Peace Research. 57(6):692-700. 

“Constraining governments: New indices of vertical, horizontal and diagonal accountability.” With Anna Luehrmann and Valeriya Mechkova. 2020. American Political Science Review. 114(3):881-820.


Irina Anisimova

“‘E’ for Empire: Empire and Postmodernism in the Context of the Sochi Olympic Games,” in Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema, 2020, pp. 1–18.


Kåre Johan Mjør



Kort introduksjon til Sovjetunionen. Cappelen Damm AS 2023 (ISBN 9788202803612) 230 s.

“The concept of creativity in Georges Florovsky’s thought.” Studies in East European thought 2023 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11212-023-09575-5


“Russia – the “True Europe” or a “Unique Civilization”? Towards a Genealogy of two Post-Soviet Ideas.” Scando-Slavica79(1) 2024


“Russian Religious Thought and the Christian Justification of the Nation.” In Religion and Secular Modernity in Russian Christianity, Judaism, and Atheism, edited by Ana Siljak. Cornell University Press 2024.

"Civilizationism in Russia from the Slavophiles to Vladimir Putin". I Civilization: Global Histories of a Political Idea, red. Patricia Chiantera-Stutte og Giovanni Borgognone, 173-195. Lexington Books 2022.

"Georgii Fedotov as a Theologian of Culture". Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия:Философия 26(1), 2022: 15-29.

“Evgenii Trubetskoi's Idealist Grounding of the Religious Meaning of Life,” in Evgenii Trubetskoi: Icon and Philosophy, edited by Randall A. Poole and Teresa Obolevitch. Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2021, pp. 65–78

Ivan Karamazov as a Philosophical Type —But Which One and in What Ways? A Narratological Reading of a Philosophical Novel,” Poljarnyj Vestnik 24, 2021, pp. 54-74

“An Eternal Russia: Oleg Platonov, the Institute for Russian Civilization and the Nationalization of Russian Thought,” in Russia as Civilization: Ideological Discourses in Politics, Media and Academia, edited by Kåre Johan Mjør and Sanna Turoma. Routledge 2020, pp. 186–205.

“‘Russia's Thousand-Year History’: Claiming a Past in Contemporary Russian Conservative Thought,” in Contemporary Russian Conservatism: Problems, Paradoxes, and Perspectives, edited by Mikhail Suslov and Dmitry Uzlaner. Brill Academic Publishers 2020, pp. 281–303.

“Russian Civilizationism in a Global Perspective,” in Russia as Civilization: Ideological Discourses in Politics, Media and Academia, edited by Kåre Johan Mjør and Sanna Turoma. Routledge 2020, pp. 1–26 (with Susanna Rabow-Edling, Mikhail Suslov, Mikhail Loukianov).

“A History of Russian Conservatism, from the 18th Century to the End of the 20th Century” in Contemporary Russian Conservatism: Problems, Paradoxes, and Perspectives, edited by Mikhail Suslov and Dmitry Uzlaner. Brill Academic Publishers 2020, pp. 37–74.


Johanne Kalsaas

Kalsaas, Johanne. (2021). Kald krig i kommentarfeltet? Historien om Frode Berg på russisk internett. Nordisk Østforum. 257-279.

“Beyond borders: Transnational turn of Russian refugee aid,” in Citizen Humanitarianism at European Borders, edited by Maria Gabrielsen Jumbert & Elisa Pascucci. Routledge, 2021, pp 114–128.

Kalsaas, Johanne. (2020). Battle for the North: Russian Cyberconflict over Commemorating the Red Army’s Liberation of Northern Norway. In Ingunn Lunde & Irina Anisimova (eds.). The Cultural is Political: Intersections of Russian Art and State Politics. 128-154

Kalsaas, Johanne. (2017). Evropeiskii Potop: The Discourse of Apocalypse and Silence in Russian Press Coverage on the Issue of Refugees. Poljarnyj Vestnik. 1-17.

«Kald krig i kommentarfeltet? Historien om Frode Berg på russisk internett,» Nordisk Østforum 35, 2021, pp. 257–279


Susanne Bygnes

Bygnes, S (2022) Experiencing and resisting interwoven social boundaries: the case of highly educated recent refugees in Norway. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.

Van Liempt, I and Bygnes, S (2022) Mobility dynamics within the settlement phase of Syrian refugees in Norway and The Netherlands. Mobilities.

Bygnes, S and Strømsø, M (2022) A Promise of Inclusion: On the Social Imaginary of Organised Encounters Between Locals and Refugees. Journal of Intercultural Studies.

Strømsø, M and Bygnes, S (2021) Local responses to hostility to new asylum seeker centres in Norway. International Migration.

Bye, HH., Bygnes, S and Ivarsflaten, I (2021) The Local-National Gap in Intergroup Attitudes and Far-Right Underperformance in Local Elections. Frontiers in Political Science.

Bygnes, S (2021) Not All Syrian Doctors Become Taxi Drivers: Stagnation and Continuity Among Highly Educated Syrians in Norway. Int. Migration & Integration

Bygnes, S. (2020) A collective sigh of relief: Local reactions to the establishment of new asylum centres in Norway. Acta Sociologica


Stehn Aztlan Mortensen

Killing the Novel: The Conceptualization of Violence in Vladimir Sorokin’s Roman,” in The Aesthetics of Violence, edited by Gisle Selnes and Hans Jacob Ohldieck, Spartacus, 2021.

Between Parody and Pastiche: The Posthuman Biomechanics of Bulgakov’s Novellas,” Scando-Slavica 66 (2), 2020, 264–280.


For a full overview of publications, please see:

Ingunn Lunde, professor

Irina Anisimova, postdoctoral fellow

Kåre Johan Mjør, associate professor

Stehn A. Mortensen, phd candidate

Johanne Kalsaas, phd candidate

Kyle Marquardt, associate professor

Susanne Bygnes, professor