Marine geological surveys for offshore wind
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Project description
Offshore wind is set to become a major growth industry in Norway, as the world economy is decarbonizing and the demand for renewable green energy is very high, fossil and nuclear power is being decomissioned in europe, and the NW European coast has excellent wind resources. Major parts of the NW European coast recently glaciated, and glacial erosion and ice streaming has eroded deposited extremely heterogeneous deposits. This has made these areas challenging places to anchor offshore wind in.
A cruise to the two announced offshore wind sites in Norway, Utsira Nord and Sørlige Nordsjø 2, will take place in June 2022. Here, large amounts of core and high-resolution seismic data will be acquired. This MSc project will be part of the Equinor-funded "Marine ground surveys for offshore wind"-project at the Univeristy of Bergen, and will entail analysis and geological interpretation of data from these areas. The MSc will work in this project and be exposed to industry sponsors through various project meetings and conferences.
Proposed course plan during the master's degree (60 ECTS)
GEOV223 - Quarternary Sea-Level Changes - 10 ECTS
GEOV228 - Quaternary geochronology - 10 ECTS
GEOV231 - Marine Geological Field-and Laboratory Course - 10 ECTS
GEOV261 - Basin analysis and subsurface interpretation - 10 ECTS
GEOV272 - Seismic Interpretation - 10 ECTS
GEOV360 - Advanced clastic sedimentology - 10 ECTS
Field, lab and analysis
Cruise June 2022
Core workshop
Seismic interpretation