The Nordic Graduate School of Educational Research

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Mixed method research

Welcome to a course in Mixed Methods for PhD candidates presented by The Nordic Graduate School of Educational Research (WNGER II). The course will be online using Zoom.

Big clock attached on the wall of the faculty building

Main content

The main course goal is to introduce PhD students to mixed methods research and show examples of how to carry out MMR in your doctoral thesis. Throughout the course, the PhD students will develop their understanding of how to design MMR, collect quantitative and qualitative data, analyze these multiple data sources, and report it as a coherent whole in their own doctoral thesis. The course aims to develop the PhD students’ abilities to understand the ontological, axiological, epistemological, and methodological implications of MMR in their own doctoral thesis.

Main learning objectives

The main course goal is to introduce PhD students to mixed methods research, and show examples of how to carry out MMR in your doctoral thesis. Throughout the course the PhD students will develop their understanding of how to design MMR, collect quantitative and qualitative data, analyze these multiple data sources, and report it as a coherent whole in their own doctoral thesis. The course aims to develop the PhD students’ abilities to understand the ontological, axiological, epistemological and methodological implications of MMR in their own doctoral thesis.

After completing the course, the PhD students will have general knowledge about:

  • The varieties and purposes of MMR
  • How referees and editors assess MMR articles
  • The most common research designs in MMR at the PhD level
  • How to write about MMR in your synopsis in a coherent way
  • The required transparency of MMR as part of your doctoral thesis
  • Ways of presenting MMR findings in your articles and synopsis

After completing the course, the PhD student will have specific knowledge about:

  • How to carry out mixed methods research
  • Philosophy of science underpinnings of MMR (ontological, axiological, epistemological and methodological positioning)
  • Theoretical frameworks in MMR doctoral studies
  • Different research designs in MMR
  • How to present MMR findings in the articles and synopsis