Department of Clinical Medicine

News archive for Department of Clinical Medicine

Bjørn Steiner Lillås
Our multidisciplinary research group aims to investigate pediatric hip disorders through multiple approaches. That is why our research includes genetic epidemiology with the purpose of unravelling why some individuals are prone to getting these disorders. Recently, we published a large genome-wide association study (GWAS) on hip dysplasia, implicating a collagen gene in the development of hip... Read more
Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is a congenital disorder in which the etiology, risk factors and life course are not fully understood.
We give you a springtime update on the activities of NutriNOR – Norway’s national research school in nutrition.
Karen Rosnes Gissum defended June 28, 2024 her PhD thesis "Unveiling the Complexities: Patients’ and Healthcare Providers’ Perspectives on Understanding and Managing Ovarian Cancer" at the University of Bergen. This is a unique CCBIO doctorate work focusing on the patient and healthcare worker perspective and not the actual research. Nevertheless, objective measures like biomarkers were seen as... Read more
In a new doctoral work at CCBIO, by Christiane Helgestad Gjerde, the group has established a 3D in vitro model of high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma to assess the efficacy of traditional chemotherapy and novel cell-based immunotherapies. This model makes out a more realistic mini tumor, making it possible to test which therapy that works on this type of cancer. The knowledge provided from this... Read more
From May 28th to 30th, EBV-MS Partner Paola Zaratin, along with the Italian MS Society, hosted the Annual Scientific Congress 2024. Notable attendees included EBV-MS Project Coordinator Kjell-Morten Myhr, Deputy Project Coordinator Øivind Torkildsen, and project partner Marco Salvetti from Sapienza University of Rome, all invited by the Italian MS Society, ensuring significant representation from... Read more
On Wednesday, June 5th, 2024, a productive introduction between the consortium and the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) was conducted during a recent gathering. The meeting marked a positive commencement of the collaboration between the SAB and the members of the EBV-MS project.
On Tuesday, January 23rd, and Wednesday, January 24th, 2024, the EBV-MS project successfully held its inaugural kick-off meeting. This meeting provided an opportunity for the project team to get acquainted, share insights, and set goals. The program was structured to cover various aspects of the project, including the introduction of partners, presentation of work packages, and discussions on... Read more
The doctoral work of Ole Vidhammer Bjørnstad, which includes three coming scientific papers, has shed light on the occurrence of neural precursor cells in breast cancer, and the interactions between neural precursor cells and breast cancer cells.
Prof. Ix is Professor and Division Chief in the Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology-Hypertension (UC San Diego) & Prof. Stein Ivar Hallan (Specialist in internal medicine, kidney diseases and clinical chemistry) were both visting the Renal Research Group at University of Bergen to discuss future collaboration between the three research groups (June 10th 2024).
The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters June 12th announced the 2024 Kavli Prize Laureates in the fields of astrophysics, nanoscience and neuroscience. Among these are Robert S. Langer (USA), sharing the 2024 Kavli Prize in Nanoscience with Armand Paul Alivisatos (USA) and Chad A. Mirkin (USA).
Although patient involvement in research was not part of the program at the 12th CCBIO Annual Symposium, it is a topic CCBIO will give more attention to. We had a chat with a user representative who participated at the symposium, and who is also contributing in one of our research projects.
The 12th CCBIO Annual Symposium has recently taken place, with a program showcasing current cancer biomarker research. This was the final symposium in CCBIO’s 10-year period funded by the Research Council of Norway as a Centre of Excellence (CoE), however not the last. CCBIO will continue its core activities, maintaining what has become a strong cancer research network.
Although CCBIO this summer completes its 10-year appointment as Center of Excellence by the Research Council of Norway, the center will continue its activities, and so do all the research groups and collaborations that have been established through these years. It has been a privilege for the CCBIO leadership to follow these groups from the very beginning and watch them grow and now continue to... Read more
The 12th CCBIO Annual Symposium took place May 14-15, 2024, at Solstrand outside of Bergen in excellent weather, facilitating a radiant frame for networking and meetings in the sunshine during the breaks. The program showcased current cancer biomarker research as well as taking a step back considering global perspectives on cancer.
Did you know that UiB coordinates a European initiative to target the cause of MS?
During 2017-2019, systematic differences in high efficacy MS-treatment strategies were preferred in Oslo (cladribine) and Bergen (rituximab). Comparisons of long-term (median 4.5 years) effects from these different treatments showed a 2.7 higher risk for new MRI disease activity after four years in the cladribine group (n=132) compared to rituximab group (n=168).
