Paleoenvironmental research group

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Arroyo, J., de la Riva Caballero, A., Iturrondobeitia, J.C., Bermudez de Castro, J.M., Arsuaga, J.L. & Diez, C. 2007. Primera aproximación a la paleoentomologia de los yacimientos de la Sierra de Atapuerco (Burgos, España): la fauna subfosil de oribatidos (Acari, Oribatida). Graellsia 63: 27–34.

Hjelle, K.L. 2007. Foreign trade and local production - plant remains from medieval times in Norway. In: Karg, S. (ed). Medieval food traditions in Northern Europe  Publications from the National Museum Studies in Archaeology & History, Vol. 12. National Museum of Denmark: 161–179).

Hufthammer, A.K. 2007. Det tidligste husdyrholdet. In: Vangen et al. (eds) Beitende husdyr i Norge.Tun Forlag AS: 12–16.

Vangen, O., Sæther, N.H., Norderhaug, A. Holtet, M.G., Holand, Ø. Fimland, E., Sickel, H., Hufthammer, A.K. Beitende husdyr i Norge. Tun Forlag. 157 pages.

Indrelid, S., Hufthammer, A.K. & Røed, K. 2007. Fangstanlegget på Sumtangen, Hardangervidda - utforskningen gjennom 165 år. Viking LXX: 125–154.

Karg, S., Alsleben, A., Badura, M., Hiie, S., Hjelle, K.L., Jarosinska, J., Latalowa, M., Lempiäinen, T., Sillasoo, Ü., Swieta-Musznicka, J. & Viklund, K. 2007. Synthesis and a mission for the future. In: Karg, S. (ed.). Medieval food traditions in Northern Europe. National Museum of Denmark, Publications from the National Museum Studies in Archaeology & History 12: 181–190.

Losvik, M.H. 2007. Regional species pools of hay meadows: A case study. Applied Vegetation Science 10: 239–248.

Moe, D., Fedele, F., Maude, A.E. & Kvamme, M. 2007. Vegetational changes and human presence in the low-alpine and subalpine zone in Val Febbraro, upper Valle di Spluga (Italian central Alps), from the Neolithic to the Roman period. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 16: 431–451.

Overland, A. & Hjelle, K.L. 2007. Agrare kulturminner i utmark. Pollenanalyse i tilknytning til rydningsrøysfelt. UBAS – Universitetet i Bergen, Arkeologiske Skrifter. Nordisk 4: 275–343.