Norwegian Language Courses at UiB
Admission to Norwegian course

Refugees and immigrants

A fixed number of places per semester are reserved for refugees and immigrants (with a residence permit) residing in Norway, who fulfill the basic general entrance requirements for post-secondary studies in Norway (except the language requirements). Students with citizenship from countries outside the European Union, the European Economic Area and Switzerland, must pay tuition fees.

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Admission requirements

Norwegian courses at the University of Bergen are open for refugees and immigrants who meet the general admission requirements but do not have proficiency in the Norwegian language. Applicants with an academic background will be given priority.

The places for this category applicants are allocated at intermediate and higher level. 

Admission to our Norwegian courses is not a sufficient basis for a student residence permit in Norway and for financial support from the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund (Lånekassen). See regulations, chapter 4, §4-8

Please note that applicants who have met the Norwegian language requirements beforewill not be considered for admission to the Norwegian courses at the University of Bergen. The same applies to Undergraduate students who have been accepted throught regular admision (NUCAS) and  guest students with temporary admission (hospitant or poststudent).

Applicants in other categories are not qualified for admission to Norwegian courses at the University of Bergen


NOR-U2 Norwegian Language and Culture for Foreign Language Students, level 2

NOR-U3 Norwegian Language and Culture for Foreign Language Students, level 3

If you have passed NOR-U3 at UiB with a grade of C or better, you may apply for admission to NOR-U4.

Please note that lectures are offered during daytime only.

If the application is granted, admission will be valid for one semester only. It is not possible to delay or defer admission to a future semester.


You must apply electronically at Søknadsweb using your Norwegian ID number and creating a 4 digit pin code.

The application must be registered by the given deadlines: 15 April for the autumn semester and 15 October for the spring semester.

It is not possible to apply for admission after the deadline.

All information given on the application form must be documented. It is the applicant's responsability to provide the necessary documentation.

Placement test

Applicants who have not completed a Norwegian course at the university previously, must take a placement test. The test is for use in applicant placement only. 

Students who have qualified for a level after taking the placement test, may be moved up or down a level after the course has started. This is because language skills are better evaluated in class.

Applicants who have passed a Norwegian course at one of the other Norwegian universities may not have to take the placement test. Documentation will be required. Other exams will not qualified for exemption from the placement test.

The next application test will be held in November. Applicants who have to sit for the placement test, will be notified by email one week before the test.


If you have status as a refugee living in Norway, please upload the following documentation at Søknadsweb:

  1. Documentation of educational background, such as secondary school certificate, high school diploma, and  transcript and diploma from higher education at university level. If your documentation is not in Norwegian, Danish, Swedish or English, it must be officially translated. Both translations and originals must be uploaded
  2. Passport
  3. Documentation of a residence permit (documetation of refugee status in Norway, residence card and UDI letter).
  4. Official documentation of change of name (letter from the National Registry which confirms the name change).
  5. If you have been granted NOKUT-recognition, please upload this document

If you have status as an immigrant residing in Norway, please upload the following documentation at Søknadsweb: 

  1. Documentation of educational background, such as secondary school certificate, high school diploma, and a transcript or diploma from higher education at university level. If your documentation is not in Norwegian, Danish, Swedish or English, it must be officially translated. Both translations and originals must be uploaded
  2. Passport
  3. Documentation of a residence permit (Non EU-citizens: residence card and UDI letter. EU-citizens: Registration certificate issued by the police).
  4. Official documentation of change of name (letter from the National Registry which confirms the name change).
  5. If you have been granted NOKUT-recognition, please upload this document

An application receipt will be sent upon registration of the online application. Applications that are incomplete will not be processed.

The Norwegian government has introduced tuition fees for international students from outside the European Union, European Economic Area and Switzerland, starting autumn 2023. Some international applicants do not have to pay tuition fees.

Exemptions for paying tuition fees | Education | UiB


  • 15 April for the autumn semester

  • 15 October for the spring semester

It is the applicant's responsability to register a correct application and provide the necessary documentation within the deadline.

Applications submitted after the deadline will not be processed.

Please note that your application will not be considered for admission if:

  • You have not provided complete documentation of your academic background and residence permit.
  • The documentation you submit is not satisfactory.