Faculty of Science and Technology

Master's Ceremony at The Faculty of Science and Technology

The Faculty of Science and Technology has the pleasure of inviting our master's candidates to this year's Master's Ceremony

Masterseremoni MatNat
Master's Ceremony at the Faculty of Science and Technology
Thor Brødreskift

Main content

This year's Master's ceremony for students at the Faculty of Science and Technology, will be held in the University Aula on 12 June 2025.

The faculty welcomes to the celebration of our Master candidates who have completed their degree with us in the academic year of 2024/2025.

Registration for the ceremonies opens in April. Initially, it will only be possible to register 1 guest due to capacity in the University Aula. If there is capacity for more guests after the registration deadline has expired, registered candidates will be notified of this by e-mail.

A ceremony lasts about 2 hours.


Thursday 12 June 2025, kl. 14.00. Attendance at 13.30 with the entrance in the Museum Garden (Musèhagen). 

  • Welcome
  • Congratulations speech by Dean
  • Greetings to fellow students from graduate
  • Congratulations ceremony of the candidates
  • Photography

Important information about registration

  • Registration for the ceremonies opens in the end of March
  • It is not possible to register for the ceremonies after the deadline.
  • Note: Rolling registration! If the ceremony is full, the registration will close before the deadline. 
  • Students who have had their master's submission postponed up until October 2025 can also register for the ceremony.
  • Candidates can only bring 1 guest. If there is free capacity for 2 guest after the registration deadline has expired, candidates will receive a separate e-mail about this after the registration deadline.