Faculty of Science and Technology
Trainee og gjestestudenter

Routines for Trainee, Internship and guest students at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Routine description for application processing of Trainee, internship and guest students at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Main content

On this page you will find routine descriptions for registration of Trainees, internships and guest students, preferably at master's level and PhD.

The University of Bergen does not have a standardized system for applying for internships. The students who come are usually here as a result of academic collaboration between research groups at their home university and the University of Bergen. If you are a student that wants to apply for an internship at UiB, you must be in contact with an research group at UiB that is connected with your home university. 



Scientific staff are requested to contact the administration of their department directly in good time in advance of an application for a trainee, internship or guest student.

Gueststudents and Trainees

https://www.uib.no/foransatte/97818/vurdering-og-registrering-av-gjestestudenter-og-trainee (Not translated to English)


The Central administration (SA) at UiB has absolute application deadlines for processing applications for gueststudents and Erasmus+ trainees.

  • For stays in the autumn semester (August - December): MAY 1st
  • For stays in the spring semester (January - July): OCTOBER 15th

The deadline applies to a complete application from the student in søknadsweb. In order for the student to get access to søknadsweb, the faculty must first enter the necessary information in FS. Therefore, this information must be sent to the faculty BEFORE the application deadline at UiB.

Deadline for the department to send information about the applicant to the faculty:

  • For stays in the autumn semester (August - December): APRIL 25th
  • For stays in the spring semester (January - July): OKTOBER 10th


1. The department has contact with the student and obtains the necessary documents.

  • Copy of ID (Passport, National ID card)
  • Guest Student Form (Application and Recommendation Form for Guest Students) or Erasmus+ Trainee Learning Agreement
  • Transcript of Records (does not apply to Erasmus + trainee)
  • Statement of Purpose/Prospective study plan (can be decribed in the LA for Erasmus+ trainees)
  • Confirmation that the applicant has started a master's degree in his/her home country (does not apply to Eramus+ trainee)
  • Documentation of English skills (does not apply to Eramus+ trainee)
  • Applicants outside of EU must document funding (does not apply to Erasmus+ trainee)

2. The department sends the necessary information to the faculty for registration of gueststudent/Erasmus+ trainee in FS.

  • Copy of ID (Passport, National IDcard)
  • Signed Guest Student Form (by student and department) or Eramus+ trainee learning agreement

Note! Erasmus+ trainee learning agreements often do not have exact dates for the stay. This must therefore be reported to the faculty in addition to the student's learning agreement.

In order for the faculty to be able to register students in FS, the following information must be entered (usually covered in the Guest Student Form / Eramus+ trainee learning agreement and ID):

  • Student's full name (as registered in ID)
  • Student's birth number (ddmmyyyy)
  • The student's gender
  • Student nationality
  • Student external email
  • The student's home university
  • The student's exact dates for stay at UiB

3. The faculty register gueststudent in FS (provides access to søknadsweb for student)

The faculty creates an application for a student in FS and sends an e-mail to the student stating that the application must be completed in søknadsweb.

Student is requested by e-mail:

  • Log in to søknadsweb (link will be sent by email) and created their profile
  • Check that all registered information is correct
  • Register faculty and relevant categories for stay (gueststudent, trainee, etc.)
  • Register their home address
  • Upload required documentation (list of required documentation will be provided in the email).

The faculty uploads a signed guest student form (must be signed by the student, department and faculty).

4. The application is processed by the central administration at UiB (SA).

When the application is complete and the deadline has expired, complete applications will be processed by SA.

SA will arrange:

  • Order SO-number for student
  • Write an admission letter with information for a residence permit
  • Register student in FS (studentnumber + student right INTL-MN)
  • Provide student with information about registration at UiB (user account, semester registration, student card ect.)


Gueststudents Ph.D

https://www.uib.no/foransatte/130671/internasjonale-phd-gjesteforskere-med-egne-midler (Not translated to English)

1. The department writes an invitation letter / admission letter to the applicant.

The invitation letter/admission letter must contain:

  • Information about the project/course, as well as academic level
  • Exact period of stay
  • Financing (Proof of this must be attached to the UDI application)
  • Housing

The department sends the invitation letter/admission letter to the applicant.

NOTE: Funding determines whether the PhD candidate receives gueststudent status or must be registered as a guestemployee (by the department).

2. The department sends the necessary information to the faculty for registration of a Ph.D gueststudent.

  • Copy of ID (Passport, National IDcard)
  • Copy of the invitation letter/admission letter
  • Applicant's home address
  • Applicant's external email

3. The faculty register gueststudent in FS

The faculty register student in FS and sends the necessary information to the central administration at UiB (SA).
SA order SO-number for the student.

(NB: SO-number orders can take some time)

4. The faculty register the gueststudent

Once the SO-number is in place, the faculty will;

  • Create studentnumber for student
  • Register gueststudent status (Ph.D Visit)
  • Provide student with information about registration at UiB (user account, semester registration, student card ect.)