Occupational Health Services
Health examinations

Targeted health examination

Health checks must be performed on employees and students if they are exposed to health risks.

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When is a targeted health examination relevant?

You have the right to a targeted health examination if a risk assessment shows that you may be exposed to one or more of the factors in the list below. In addition, additional follow-up may be needed if an unwanted incident has occurred. The employer must ensure that employees and students are informed of necessary targeted health examinations.

Responsibility - health checks

Factors that trigger the right to a targeted health examination

Work with fur-bearing laboratory animals

Anyone working with experimental animals can potentially develop allergies with symptoms from the eyes, nose and skin. If the exposure continues after allergies have occurred, asthma may also develop. It is therefore very important for future lung function that the exposure ceases.

Health interview before travelling to areas with high risk

Field work, cruises and group travel can lead to an increased risk of injury or illness to people.

Health care for foreign citizens working or studying at UiB