Psychological support for PhD candidates and younger researchers
An offer for PhD candidates and younger researchers who experience work-related health challenges.
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Occupational Health Services for Early Career Researchers
We offer individual advisory consultations for early career researchers. These consultations are exploratory in nature, aiming to understand your situation and what actions you can take. Unfortunately, we do not provide treatment, but we can offer up to three consultations based on your needs. During these sessions, we often discuss where you can seek further support if desired.
We also offer discussion groups as an alternative. Currently, we do not have a structured group program, but we maintain an interest list and initiate a group once we have enough registered participants.
Finally, we conduct interactive presentations and workshops for larger groups at the University of Bergen (UiB). Topics include common challenges faced by early career researchers, stress management, effective work methods, communication, and mental health. These sessions are primarily available upon request and can be tailored to the needs of the requesting group. If you and your group are interested, do not hesitate to reach out—we are more than happy to come and discuss the topics that matter to you.
For immediate physical or mental health assistance, please contact Bergen Emergency Clinic (Legevakt) or Crisis Support Services (Livskrisehjelpen).
Psychological Symptoms of an Overwhelming Workload
- Reduced concentration, procrastination, or low work efficiency
- Decreasing interest in your field of study and work
- Frequent or increasing worries, stress, and restlessness
- Difficulty relaxing, trouble sleeping, discomfort taking breaks or time off outside of work hours
- An increasing number of distressing and difficult emotions
- Difficulty experiencing joy, even when good things happen
- Irritability, frequent misunderstandings, or conflicts
These symptoms are common reactions to feeling overwhelmed. The Occupational Health Services at UiB primarily address situations where these reactions arise due to work-related factors. However, it is impossible to draw a clear boundary between work and personal life, as personal circumstances also impact our work capacity. We strive to be flexible and to offer support in a meaningful way.