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PREPARE - Distributed and prepared. A new theory of citizens` public connection networks in the age of datafication.

Against the backdrop of fragmented political debate, algorithm-controlled social media and threats of propaganda and disinformation, PREPARE aims to better understand people's connection to the public.

PREPARE will run from 2023-2027.

New position
Image of the group

Available postdoctoral position: Citizens, media and democracy

The PREPARE project is looking for an ambitious scholar who wants to help develop a new agenda for researching citizens’ relations to the public sphere.

Bilde av forsker

Postdoctoral project on women in working class jobs

Katharina Wuropulos joins the Prepare team to explore public connection among women in working class jobs.

Theory Seminar
bilde av forskere samlet rundt møtebord

Recognition Theory and Public Connection

Leif Hemming Pedersen visited PREPARE for a seminar on Axel Honneths Recognition Theory.

puzzle pieces

Scandinavian expert group advises on media and democracy

A varied group of media and democracy experts have signed on as scientific advisors in the Prepare project.

Conference Panel
image of researcher presenting paper.

NordMedia23 Panel on democratic theory

As part of the NordMedia conference 2023 in Bergen, PREPARE organized a panel on the project's theoretical ambitions.

ERC logo

Funded by the European Union (ERC, PREPARE, 101044464). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Council Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them