Media, Culture and Public Connection: Freedom of Information in “the Age of Big Data”

Publications from the MeCIn-project

During the project period the research group MeCIn is also publishing analyses in different contexts, journals and books. Here you can find an overview.

Main content


Hilde Sakariassen. Women's emotion work on Facebook: Strategic use of emotions in public discourse. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 2021; Volume 4. 

Hilde Sakariassen and Irene Costera Meijer. Why so quiet? Exploring inhibition in digital public spaces. European Journal of Communication. 2021; Volume 36 (5): 494-510. 

Jan Fredrik Hovden. Offentlighetens livsstiler: Om deltagere og tilskuere i norske medieoffentligheten. Plan 2021, volume 53. 

Jan Fredrik Hovden and Lennart Rosenlund. Class and everyday media use: A case study from Norway. Nordicom Review 2021; Volume 2 (S3), p. 129-149. 

Jan Fredrik Hovden (2021) “Dårlige borgere? Arbeiderklassen i den moderne offentligheten.” I Ljunggren og Nordli Hansen Arbeiderklassen. Oslo: Cappelen Damm.

Hallvard Moe and Brita Ytre-Arne. The Democratic Significance of Everyday News Use: Using Diaries to Understand Public Connection over Time and beyond Journalism. Digital Journalism 2021, January 18th 2021.  


Hilde Sakariassen. A digital public sphere: Just in theory or a perceived reality for users of social network sites? MedieKultur: Journal of Media & Communication Research 2020; Volume 36 (68).

Torgeir Uberg Nærland, Jan Fredrik Hovden and Hallvard Moe. Enabling Cultural Policies? Culture, Capabilities, and Citizenship. International Journal of Communication 2020, Volume 14. 

Kjersti Thorbjørnsrud and Tine Ustad Figenschou. The Alarmed Citizen: Fear, Mistrust, and Alternative Media. Journalism Practice 2020, October 8th 2020. 

Hallvard Moe, Jan Fredrik Hovden and Kari Karppinen. "Operationalizing exposure diversity". European Journal of Communication 2020; October 29th 2020. 

Cathrine Holst and Hallvard Moe. "Deliberative Systems Theory and Citizens’ Use of Online Media: Testing a Critical Theory of Democracy on a High Achiever". Political studies 2020; April 6th 2020.

Hallvard Moe and Janne Bjørgan. "Flere betaler og lokalavisen er viktig" Reuters Digital News Report, Norge 2020. Bergen, University of Bergen.

Stine Lomborg, Lina Dencik and Hallvard Moe (red.) European Journal of Communication: Special Issue: Methods for datafication, datafication of methods (26) 3, June 2020. 

Stine Lomborg, Lina Dencik and Hallvard Moe. "Methods for datafication, datafication of methods: Introduction to the Special Issue". European Journal of Communication 2020; May 5th 2020.


Brita Ytre-Arne. "Media use in changing everyday life: How biographical disruption could destabilize media repertoires and public connection" European Journal of Communication 2019; Volume 34 (5) s. 488-502

Hallvard Moe, Jan Fredrik Hovden, Brita Ytre-Arne, Tine Ustad Figenschou, Torgeir Uberg Nærland, Hilde Sakariassen and Kjersti Thorbjørnsrud. "Informerte borgere? Offentlig tilknytning, mediebruk og demokrati" Bergen, Universitetsforlaget (Norwegian only)

Hallvard Moe and Janne Biedilæ Bjørgan. "Bruksmønstre for digitale nyheter. Reuters Digital News Report, Norge 2019", Bergen, Universitetet i Bergen. (Norwegian only)

Hallvard Moe. "Distributed Readiness Citizenship: A Realistic, Normative Concept for Citizens’ Public Connection", Communication Theory, Online first.

Hallvard Moe. "Why free news matters for social inequality. Comparing willingness to pay for news in the Nordic region" In: Digital Media Inequalities – Policies against divides, distrust and discrimination. Nordicom 2019

Hallvard Moe, Brita Ytre-Arne and Torgeir Uberg Nærland. "Between ritual and information: Three phases of Norwegian news audiences’ sense-making of the election of Donald Trump" Journalism - Theory, Practice & Criticism 2019 s. 1-17

Jan Fredrik Hovden and Hallvard Moe. "Hurra! Metodedebatt! Et svar til Rolland", Norsk Medietidsskrift, 26(4): 1-3. (Norwegian only)

Torgeir Uberg Nærland. "From pleasure to politics: Five functions of watching TV-series for public connection", European Journal of Communication, Online first


Brita Ytre-Arne and Hallvard Moe "Approximately Informed, Occasionally Monitorial? Reconsidering Normative Citizen Ideals", International Journal of Press/Politics 23(2) 227-246.

Hilde Sakariassen and Hallvard Moe "Bruksmønstre for digitale nyheter. Reuters Institute Digital News Report", Norge 2018: Bergen: Universitetet i Bergen. (Norwegian only)

Jan Fredrik Hovden, Hallvard Moe, Lennart Rosenlund and Balder Holm "Brukerperspektiv på NRKs bidrag til mediemangfoldet og innvirkning på andre aktører: En analyse av surveydata for Medietilsynet". Report. Bergen: University of Bergen. (Norwegian only)

Jan Fredrik Hovden and Hallvard Moe "Automatiserte versus selvrapporterte publikumspraksiser? Metodiske utfordringer med tv-metere og spørreundersøkelser", Norsk medietidsskrift, 28(01): 1-30. (Norwegian only)

Torgeir Uberg Nærland "Fictional Entertainment and Public Connection: Audiences and the Everyday Use of TV- series", Television & New Media, 00(0): 1-19


Anders Helgerud "Sjeldenkonsumenter av nyheter: Holdning til nyhetsmedier, medborgerskap og forklaringer på sjeldenkonsum blant unge voksne", Norsk medietidsskrift, 24(2): 1-19. (Norwegian only)

Brita Ytre-Arne, Jan Fredrik Hovden, Hallvard Moe, Torgeir Uberg Nærland, Hilde Sakariassen and Ingrid Aarseth Johannessen Mediebruk og offentlig tilknytning, first report from the MeCIn-project, june 2017. Bergen: Universitetet i Bergen. (Norwegian only)

Jan Fredrik Hovden and Hallvard Moe "A sociocultural approach to study public connection across and beyond media: The example of Norway"Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 23(4): 391-408.

Johan Lindell and Jan Fredrik Hovden "Distinctions in the media welfare state: audience fragmentation in post- egalitarian Sweden"Media, Culture & SocietyOnline first.

Hallvard Moe, Kjersti Thorbjørnsrud and Audun Fladmoe "Perceptions of journalistic bias: Party preferences, media trust and attitudes toward immigration", s 109-138 In: Arnfinn Midtbøen, Kari Steen-Johnsen and Kjersti Thorbjørnsrud (red.) Boundary Struggles: Contestations of Free Speech in the Public Sphere, Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Hallvard Moe, Knut Olav Åmås and Ellen Altenborg. "Det norske mediemangfoldet. En styrket mediepolitikk for borgerne". NOU, Kulturdepartementet 2017 189 s. (Norwegian only)

Hilde Sakariassen, Jan Fredrik Hovden and Hallvard Moe Bruksmønstre for digitale nyheter. Reuters Institute Digital News Report, Norge 2017, delrapport fra MeCIn-prosjektet, juni 2017. Bergen: Universitetet i Bergen. (Norwegian only)

Torgeir Uberg Nærland "Altogether now? Symbolic recognition, musical media events and the forging of civic bonds among minority youth in Norway"European Journal of Cultural Studies, Online first.


Hallvard Moe, Thomas Poell and José van Dijck "Rearticulating Audience Engagement: Social Media and Television". Television & New Media, 17(2): 99-107.

Hallvard Moe "Freedom of Information and Divides in the Digital Age. Teletext and Internet Use in Norway", s. 167-180 i Hallvard Moe og Hilde Van den Bulck (red.) Teletext Across Europe: From the Analogue to the Digital Era, Gøteborg: Nordicom.

Hallvard Moe. "Social Media". I: The International Encyclopedia of Communication Theory and Philosophy. Wiley-Blackwell 2016.