Processing of personal data in research
The processing of personal data in research includes in short any use of personal information, e.g. related to the collection, recording, collocation, analysis, storage and distribution of data.
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There are many rules and players associated with the processing of personal data in research.
Consideration for the privacy of individuals makes it important to be aware of what type of information is used in research projects, what considerations one must take and how such research can be implemented in an ethically good and sound professional manner in line with strict regulations.
The responsibility to ensure that research is legal and complies with regulations rests on many authorities: Researchers (poss. students), department, faculty, university, The Data Protection Official (Personvernombudet), The Regional Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics (REC), The Data Protection Authority (Datatilsynet) all have different roles and responsibilities regarding aspects of processing research data. It can be challenging to navigate various guidelines and rules to make the processing of personal data correct and valid.