Faculty of Psychology

REC approval

Many of the faculty’s research projects are subject to the Health Research Act, and REK approval is therefore required before the projects can be started.

Main content

REC must preliminary approve

  • Medical and health research projects
  • Research biobanks
  • Exemptions from confidentiality for other research

There is substantial information about the approval process at REC’s website, particularly in the menu items Rules and Procedures and Deadlines and Forms.

Applications must be submitted electronically and researchers need a user account at REC to gain access to the forms.

Regarding to medical and health-related research, UiB cooperates closely with local health trust, Helse Bergen. A dedicated website (Norwegian only) provides guidelines and a joint internal control system for medical and health related research.

When notifications of research projects are sent, it is important that the department’s e-mail address is provided as a co-user in the electronic application form and REC assigns a case portfolio. More information about co-users can be found here.

REC sends a message to the project manager (Chief Investigator) and the data controller about the outcome of the assessment of the research project.