Nature and Humanity in an Ancient Greek Perspective
The research group in Ancient Philosophy organizes its annual conference 12 - 13 June in room 208, Sydnesplassen 12/13.
Main content
9:30 Coffee & welcome
10:00 KEYNOTE: Catherine Rowett
“God, Mind, and Matter in the World of the Pre-Socratics and
their Predecessors: The Milesians and maybe Some Others”
11:30 Coffee
11:40 Hallvard Fossheim
“A Stoic Perspective on Worth in Nature”
Chair: Andreas Staurheim Enggrav
12:20 Lunch at Café Christie
14:00 Atle Ytrehus
“Parmenides Off and On the Beaten Track of Men”
15:00-15:40 Kristin Sampson
“Nature as Interval and Becoming: The Figure of the Threshold in Hesiod
and Parmenides”
Chair: Oda Tvedt
10:00 KEYNOTE: Emanuela Bianchi
“Genos between phusis and technē”
11:30 Coffee
11:40 Bjørn Sether Wastvedt
“Nature and Goodness in Aristotle's Moral Psychology”
Chair: Kristian Larsen
12:40 Lunch at Café Christie
14:10 Marilù Papandreou
“Towards an Aristotelian Notion of Habitability”
14:50 Hayden Ausland
“Aristotle's Understanding of physis in Physics B1 and the Modern Notion
of a Natural World”
15:50-16:30 Conclusion & The Way Forward
Chair: Vigdis Songe-Møller