Ongoing projects
Below you will find an outline of ongoing projects relevant for the research group’s main foci and in which group members contribute.
Main content
Health and Human Rights – Current issues in Norwegian Health Care Law
The University of Bergen and The University of Agder 2020-2022.
Health and human rights: Global and European perspectives
University of Groningen, University of Bergen, Copenhagen University, University of Leiden, 2020-2022.
VULNER: Vulnerabilities under the Global Protection Regime: how does the law assess, address, shape, and produce the vulnerabilities of protection seekers?
EU 2020-2021. Read more about Vulner.
WAIT: Waiting for an uncertain future: the temporalities of irregular migration
Norwegian Research Council (2019-2020). Read more about Wait.
Young women´s access to adequate sexual and reproductive health services: focus on the role of health staff at local health clinics
(South Africa), University of Bergen, Christian Michelsen Institute and Centre for Sexualities, AIDS and Gender at University of Pretoria 2016 - ongoing, interdisciplinary. Read more about WAIT.
Society’s reactions and efforts towards children who break the law
Ingun Fornes takes part in the project «Society’s reactions and efforts towards children who break the law». The project’s topic is society’s reactions towards children who break the law. This topic operates at the boundaries between criminal justice, child protective services, and mental health care.
External collaborative projects
Covid19 and crisis management
University of Oslo, University of Bergen, The Norwegian Police University College, OsloMet, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences 2020-2022.
Temporary protection as a durable solution? The ‘return turn’ in asylum policies in Europe (TemPro)
Norwegian Research Council 2020-2023. Read more about TemPro.