Previous projects
Previous projects
On this page you will find information about previous projects that the members of the research group has participated in.
Main content
Selvbestemmelse og tvang i helse- og omsorgstjenesten
Universitetet i Bergen og Universitetet i Århus 2016-2018.
Prioritizing Health Care – Tensions and Interplay between Legal, Political, Economic and Professional Perspectives
Norges Forskningsråd 2015-2018, interdisciplinary.
Provision of Welfare to Irregular Migrants (PROVIR)
Norges Forskningsråd 2011-2015, interdisciplinary.
Tvang i rusfeltet. Regelverk, praksis og erfaringer med tvang
Et Universitetet i Bergen og Uni Research Rokkansenteret 2012-2014, interdisciplinary.
Grunnloven og velferdsstaten
Norges Forskningsråd 2011-2014, interdisciplinary.
Health promotion, dignity and human rights: improvement of maternal health in Tanzania
Norges Forskningsråd 2011-2014, interdisciplinary.
Migration to Norway: Flows and Regulations
Norges Forskningsråd 2011-2015, interdisciplinary.
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