Cardiovascular Research


A long lasting research theme in the group has been the “active role” of the loose connective tissues in acute inflammation and burn injuries. Under these circumstances Pif becomes more negative, rather than positive, during the initial stages of oedema development, in burn injuries as low as -150 mmHg.

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The investigations have identified the α2β1- and α11β-integrins as central mediators in the acute inflammatory reactions.

Studies on vascular, nervous, and immunological responses in dental tissue have contributed to the understanding of inflammatory processes in these tissues during disease development. The impact of low compliant environment in transcapillary fluid exchange has been investigated. We recently demonstrated that lymphatic drainage and immune cell trafficking is crucial for development of periodontitis. In apical periodontitis, we have observed that immune cells in the lesions produce blood and lymphatic growth factors and that their receptors are expressed in activated osteoclasts, suggesting that the their resorptional activity can be influenced by these growth factors. We have established a biobank, and we now investigate tissue from patients with pulpitis and apical periodontitis.