The Bergen Hypertension and Cardiac Dynamics Group

Subclinical cardiovascular dysfunction in young ischemic stroke patients

We are currently studying stroke in young patients in two different studies.

Main content

Norwegian stroke in the young study (NOR-SYS) Hypertension substudy

This project is a collaboration with the Bergen Stroke Research Group, professor Ulrike Waje-Andreassen, Department of Neurology, Haukeland University Hospital. NOR-SYS included 386 patients aged 15-60 years hospitalized for acute ischemic stroke from September 2010 - September 2016. The hypertension substudy recorded cardiovascular imaging at baseline and during the on-going 5-year follow-up. Focus is on subclinical cardiovascular dysfunction and its relation to blood pressure management and control. Clinical Trial registration: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov NCT01597453

PhD thesis Sahrai Saeed 2016: Aortic stiffness and ambulatory blood pressure for cardiovascular risk assessment in young ischemic stroke patients. Insights from the Norwegian Stroke in the Young Study

Contact person: Eva Gerdts (eva.gerdts@uib.no)


The Searching for Explanations for Cryptogenic Stroke in the Young: Revealing the Triggers, Causes, and Outcome (SECRETO) study is a multicenter study lead from Helsinki University Hospital exploring causes of cryptogenic stroke in patients < 50 years of age. The echocardiography core laboratory work is performed by our research group. Transthoracic and transesofageal echocardiography is analysed in patients and matched health controls. The project involves 31 hospitals from 8 European countries. Clinical trial registration: www.clinicaltrials.gov.NCT01934725

Contact person: Eva Gerdts (eva.gerdts@uib.no)