Our group aims to unravel the pathogenesis and natural course of Autoimmune Addison’s disease (AAD) based on an European network of patient registry and biobanks, a translational approach using genetics, immunology, clinical management, and epidemiology.
The ultimate goal is to improve diagnosis and treatment as well as to offer strategies for disease prevention.
We will describe the natural cause of the disease with focus on factors limiting quality of life, and identify and characterise the disease-causing genes, using the corresponding disease in a spontaneous dog model and a gene targeted mouse model. In parallel, the cellular and molecular mechanisms of autoimmunity directed at the adrenal cortex will be unravelled both in humans with ADD and in the genetic mouse model.
Endocrine Medicine
Professor Eystein Husebye heads this research group which is focused on autoimmune adrenal diseases. The goal is to explore all sides of these diseases, from epidemiology to disease mechanisms. The research group is located at the Department of Clinical Sciences at the University of Bergen. The group is led by Eystein Husebye and consists of around 25 people, including professors, researchers, clinicians postdocs, graduate students, master students and a technical staff with backgrounds from the clinic and biomedical research. Over the years more than 15 PhDs and 10 master students have taken degrees in the group, many of which are still connected to the group.
The adrenals and autoimmunity?
If you're not that familiar with the adrenal glands, Addisons disease or the workings of the immune system, you can read some background information here.
KG Jebsen center for autoimmune diseases
The K.G. Jebsen Center for autoimmune diseases is led by professor Eystein Husebye at Endocrine Medicine. The centre consist of epidemiologists, biologists, molecular biologists, and clinicians that researches autoimmune diseases with a strong hereditary component. The center is trying to understand the mechanisms causing this diseases in order to provide better treatment with fewer side effects.
The national registry for organ-specific autoimmune diseases (ROAS) is headed by professor Eystein Husebye and is one of the worlds largest collection of Addison patients. The registry and its biobank are the foundation which much of the research in Endocrine Medicine is based on.
Ultradian is a EU-financed project, coordinated from Bergen, in collaboration with groups in England, Sweden and Greece. The goar som drives fra Helse Bergen i samarbeid med grupper i England, Sverige, Hellas. The aim of the project is to develop novel and dynamic diagnostic of endocrine disorders by looking at the bodies natural hormonal rythms.
The scientists in Endocrine Medicine has published close to 200 papers in scientific journals, including the worlds leading journals Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine and Immunology. In addition to a complete publication list, we have also highlighted som of the groups milestone papers
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Funding and collaborators
Endocrine Medicine has several international collaborators and both internal and external funding sources.