Strategy and objectives
Our main goal is to conduct high-quality studies, be an active contributor within addiction research, and collaborate closely with other researchers in the field.
Main content
We strive for excellence by conducting influential and high-quality studies, aim to be at the forefront of developments in the field of addiction
- The research group distinguishes itself internationally by utilizing actual gambling data and registry-based information to investigate addictive behaviors and their correlates.
- Group members are encouraged to specialize in literature and review methodologies, with the aim of publishing at least one literature or meta-analysis annually.
- Emphasis is placed on group members maintaining and developing their expertise in experimental/laboratory studies.
- The group actively works to incorporate addiction-related questions into major Norwegian population studies (such as the Tromsø Study and the SHoT Study).
We seek collaboration with both national and international researchers.
- The group is a member of the Nordic collaboration GAMIC (Gambling/Gaming Forum). Group members were well-represented at the GAMIC conference in 2021 held in Bergen.
- The group is part of a Nordic team planning a large pan-Nordic survey on gambling.
- To strengthen and promote collaboration, the group invites national and international researchers to Bergen and/or visits other research institutions. In 2021, the group visited the Korcsmár Research Network Conference in Gibraltar, and in 2020, economist Ingo Fiedler was invited to present on the social costs of gambling
Resources and funding.
- The group aims to submit funding applications to the Norwegian Research Council at least once a year and with a three-year interval for EU applications.
- For internal PhD position announcements, the goal is to submit a minimum of one application per announcement.