Addiction Research Group


The Addiction Research Group has access to laboratory facilities and equipment for various types of experimental reserach.

Main content

This includes:

  • Psychophysiological equipment: Measurement data related to heart rate, heart rate variability, skin conductivity, sleep quality, etc.
  • Eye-tracking: Measurement of visual attention.
  • Multiple testing rooms: Conduct experiments to examine how individuals behave.
  • Video analysis lab: Analyze videos of how individuals behave in different situations.
  • Rooms where lighting conditions can be finely adjusted to study various effects of light on, for example, circadian rhythms.

The group has use the FAT CAT computer program (developed by RAIN AS) to investigate how different settings (e.g., the effect of alcohol) and structural mechanisms (e.g., how often individuals receive rewards when gambling) affect their gaming/gambling behavior.