
News archive for Geophysics

On 28 November the annual Seismology Seminar took place in Litteraturhuset.
PhD candidate Kui Xiang successfully defended his thesis entitled 'Scattering approaches to modelling and inversion of acoustic and elastic waveform data' on 16 November.
PhD student Kui Xiang gave an interesting trial lecture on artificial learning and seismic modeling and inversion.
On Thursday 19 January Hasbi Ash Shiddiqi successfully defended his PhD thesis. The title of his thesis is 'Intraplate Earthquakes in Nordland, Northern Norway- Insight from Seismic Tomography and Seismicity Analysis'.
The VISTA centre is a multidisciplinary research centre funded by the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.
The geophysics group is involved in the Centre for Excellent Innovation (SFI) DigiWells
The geophysics group (Rolf Mjelde) has been involved in GoNorth. GoNorth (Geosciences in the Northern Arctic) is a Norwegian geoscience project for exploration of The Arctic Ocean. 13 Norwegian institutions participate, and work is being done towards establishing wide international collaboration.
The Svalex course was run from 2001 to 2014. The geophysics group has been an active contributor to this course.
On 21 March a relatively strong earthquake happened just off the coast of Bergen. This event was felt in large parts of Norway.
Ten geophysics bachelor and master students participated in a field course in Kiel (Germany) in August.
On 15 December 2021 Kristian Jensen successfully defended his thesis on seismic modeling and imaging.
On the 29th and 30th of March 2022, VISTA CSD team members at UiB assembled in Solstrand to discuss research plans and progress of research activities under CSD. Volker Oye from NORSAR joined us as a collaborating partner. As a guest speaker, Assoc. Prof. Bjarte Hannisdal from the Department of Earth Science gave a talk on earth systems and challenges they face.
Modeling and inversion of seismic data using multiple scattering, renormalization and homotopy methods.
The effects of magmatic intrusions on temperature history and diagenesis in sedimentary basins and petroleum systems.
Little is known about what causes deep earthquakes, which occur down to depths of 670 kilometres below the Earth's surface. A newly published scientific article sheds more light on the earthquakes that have puzzled scientists for decades.
The EPOS-Norway Annual Workshop of 2019 took place in Bergen, Wednesday 23 January to Thursday 24 January. This year's venue was the Radisson Blu Royal Hotel at Bryggen. The workshop brought together more than fifty participants: partners and external parties related to the project, as well as anyone interested in learning more about EPOS-Norway.
