LINGCLIM: Language, climate and lifestyle

News archive for LINGCLIM: Language, climate and lifestyle

Professor Dag Elgesem, member of the CLIMLIFE project group, held a presentation at the yearly DIGSSCORE seminar, 24th June 2022.
On 24th May 2022, Kjersti Fløttum held a keynote on the topic “Attitudes of young people on the climate and the climate debate – with a specific perspective on lifestyle”.
Blogginnlegg fra Ida Vikøren Andersen, Institutt for fremmedspråk, UiB. I 2019 streiket skoleelever over hele Norge for klimahandling. De største demonstrasjonene fant sted i de store byene, men lokale streiker ble arrangert også i de fleste småbyer og bygder. Engasjementet blant de unge var enormt og mange snakket om en generasjonskløft i klimasaken. Hvordan har engasjementet holdt seg gjennom... Read more
Blogginnlegg fra Øyvind Gjerstad og Kjersti Fløttum, Institutt for fremmedspråk, UiB: En analyse av fritt formulerte svar fra over tusen nordmenn gir et interessant bilde av hvordan de ser på sin rolle i klimaspørsmålet.
How can we, as individuals, reduce our emissions and thus our carbon footprint? In this short video, Helge Drange, climate researcher at the University of Bergen and member of the CLIMLIFE project (LINGCLIM research group), presents five solutions, the so-called "five Bs": "biff, bruk, bil, boeing, bolig" (English: beef, consumption, car, airplane, housing).
Dag Elgesem participated as a main speaker at a professional meeting on how climate change affects our mental health, arranged by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health on 31st March 2022.
Between 15th-24th March 2022, held Kjersti Fløttum several LINGCLIM-related lectures.
On March 9th, a debate article on "Hva er de unge villige til å ofre for klimaet?" (English: "What are young people willing to sacrifice for the climate?"), written by Kjersti Fløttum, was published in the local newspaper Bergens Tidende.
On March 9th 2022, postdoctoral fellow Ida Vikøren Andersen participates in a debate titled "CAPS LOCK!?!!!??", within the context of the recently ongoing climate festival "Varmere Våtere Villere" in Bergen.
Kjersti Fløttum held a presentation for Bergen Rotary Club to present results from a recent school survey.
Helge Drange was interviewed by the Norwegian Grandparents Climate Campaign (Besteforeldrenes klimaaksjon).
Ph.d. candidate Runa Falck held a presentation on "Responsibility for Climate Change Mitigation: Comparing Politicians and Citizens" at the DIGSSCORE lunch seminar, 15th February 2022.
During this year's SDG Conference in Bergen, the LINGCLIM research group contributed with a session on "Voices on Lifestyle in a Climate Perspective" on "Day Zero" (9th February 2022).
Kjersti Fløttum held a presentation at the annual Teachers' Day at UiB 2022.
The LINGCLIM research group currently holds a two-days seminar at Solstrand Hotel, 20.-21. januar 2022, to discuss progress and further plans for the ongoing CLIMLIFE research project.
Kjersti Fløttum was cited in an article on "Oljeprodusenter i Golfen: Svarer på klimatrusselen med grønn retorikk – og økt oljeproduksjonen" (English: "Oil Producers in the Gulf: Responding to Climate Change with Green Rhetorics – and Increased Oil Production") in the Research Magazine Apollon.
Kjersti Fløttum and Øyvind Gjerstad were cited in a recent opinion article in The Guardian
Ida Vikøren Andersen was interviewed by the Norwegian newspaper Vårt Land.
