Moe and Ytre-Arne leads new project on media experiences
The project is a part of the new Centre for Research-based Innovation (SFI)

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On June 12th the Research Council of Norway announced that UiB would get funding for a new Centre for Research-based Innovation: MediaFutures. The centre will be a part of the Department of Information Studies and Media Science, and one of the projects are developed by the leaders of Bergen Media Use Research Group; professor Hallvard Moe and professor Brita Ytre-Arne.
Media experiences investigated
Postdoctoral fellow Erik Knudsen and professor II Irene Costera Meijer will also take part in the project, which is called Understanding media experiences.
– We will investigate user patterns and experiences across digital media, and will especially work on developing methods to reach dimensions which are not easily discovered through traditional methods. News consumption is an important field, and we want to study users who leave few digital footprints, and learn about experiences we cannot uncover through standard audience research. The project also aims to understand the user patterns of tomorrow, and among other things we will collaborate with NRK (norwegian broadcaster) on an entographic study on youths media habits, professor Ytre-Arne says.
Ana Milojevic's postdoctoral fellow project on media users and the Bergen Media City, and Marianne Borchgrevink-Brækhus' project on algorithm operated front pages, are also tied to the project and the MediaFutures-centre.
Interdiciplinary collaboration
MediaFutures will start up autumn 2020, the centre having a cost limit on 280 million NOK. How much the project will get will not be decided before negotiations with all partners in the new centre are finalized. Partners include UiB, the University of Oslo and many of the media concerns in Bergen Media City.
For Bergen Media Use Research Group, the centre will lead to further development of the group's research, in collaboration with new and well-known partners. Professor Hallvard Moe adds:
– We get to work with researchers on information science, with DIGGSCORE and with business partners such as NRK. The work at the centre will be central for the group over the next years, and gives us a unique opportunity to further strengthen UiB's research community on media use.