Bergen Media Use Research Group

International keynote on news use

Bergen Media Use Research Group professor Brita Ytre-Arne will hold a keynote at the conference Emerging Directions in News Use Research.

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Leverhulme News Use Project

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On 20 March 2024, professor Brita Ytre-Arne will be a keynote speaker at Emerging Directions in News Use Research, which is both a conference and a launch for the The Leverhulme News Use Project.

The News Use Project

The Leverhulme News Use Project aims to examine how parents engage with and respond to news at critical moments of crisis. The aim is to produce a rigorous, in-depth examination of parents’ engagement with risk and crises in the news - in an information-saturated, high-choice society. The project is led by professor Ytre-Arne’s longtime collaborator Professor Ranjana Das, as well as Dr Thomas Roberts, Dr Emily Setty and Dr Maria-Nerina Boursinou from the University of Surrey.

Conference on News Use Research

Emerging Directions in News Use Research - a day-long, international, virtual conference - aims to bring together a global group of scholars involved with researching news use, news audiences and consumption, and news engagement and disengagement. The conference is open to a range of empirical contexts, from projects using tried and tested as well as more creative and innovative methodologies, and to showcase the work of scholars across career stages in the fields of Sociology, Journalism, Media and Communication, and more. In particular the organizers are keen to receive papers related to the two case studies at the centre of the News Use project:

  • Environmental change and the climate crisis; 
  • Young people and sex and relationships


Virtual conference attendance is free of charge - sign up by March 18th!