Publications of the group
Below you find links to the relevant publications of the members of the meteorology group
Main content
Publications of the meteorology group are listed on home-pages of group members, and in the CRIStin database.
The official home pages of each member can be found below.
Permanent staff
Prof. Noel Keenlyside
Prof. Nils Gunnar Kvamstø
Assoc. Prof Camille Li
Assoc. Prof. Jan Asle Olseth
Prof. Joachim Reuder
Prof. Asgeir Sorteberg
Assoc. Prof. Thomas Spengler
Adjunct positions
These are usually engagements of one fifth of a total position. The purpose of these positions is to supply the institute with specific additional competence.
Prof. II David Battisti (Univ. of Washingthon)
Assoc. Prof. II Birgitte Furevik (Meteorological Institute)
Prof. II Finn G. Nilsen (STATOIL)
Prof. II Haraldur Olafsson
Prof. II Melvin A. Shapiro (NOAA, Boulder, Colorado)
Assoc. Prof. II Anna Sjøblom (UNIS)
PhD and Post doc.
Basang Basang
Gunn Elisabeth Olsen Bjørkavåg
Giulio Nils Caroletti
Martin Flügge
Marius Opsanger Jonassen
Erlend Moster Knudsen
Qi Kong
Diriba Korecha
Olav Krogseter
Dereje Tesfahun Mengistu
Kajsa Parding
Mathew Alexander Reeve
Olafur Rögnvaldsson (Iceland)
Mari Sandvik
Svetlana Sorokina
Clemens Spensberger
Silje Lund Sørland
Annick Terpstra
In addition to internal other staff, such as researchers and PostDocs, many of the researchers at the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research (BCCR) have their office at the Geophysical Institute and they have a strong cooperation with the staff at the institute.
Prof. em. Sigbjørn Grønås
Dr. Idar Barstad
Dr. Michel de Santos Mesquita
Scientist II Stephanie Mayer
Scientist III Muralidhar Adakudlu
Post doc. Anthony Kettle
Post doc. Justin Wettstein
Post doc. Iselin Medhaug
Chief eng. Anak Bhandari
Senior eng. Tor Einar de Lange