Research Group in Molecular Pathology


Collaboration and support.

Main content

Collaborators at Haukeland University Hospital:

  1. Professor Hans Jørgen Aarstad (MD, PhD), ENT Department
  2. Professor Ole-Erik Iversen (MD, PhD), Womens´s Clinic
  3. Dept. head/professor Einar K. Kristoffersen (MD, PhD), Department of Immunology
  4. Advisor Robert Skar (MSc), Clinical Research Center


Other collaborators

  1. Professor Tone Bjørge (MD, PhD), Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, University of Bergen and Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Bergen
  2. Professor Mari Nygaard (MD, PhD), The Norwegian Cancer Registry.

Sources of financial support:

  1. University of Bergen (Lymphoma project)
  2. Quality grant, Haukeland University Hospital  (Lymphoma project)
  3. GlaxoSmithKline/Private donation (HPV in cervix cancer)
  4. Norwegian Research Council (HPV in ear-nose-throat cancer)
  5. KSSB Nasjonal kompetansetjeneste for solide svulster hos barn (Sarcoma project)