
Research group Multilingualism on my mind

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Multilingualism on my mind

Head of the research group: Åsta Haukås

The main aims of the research group are to explore different aspects of multilingualism and to promote research collaboration across languages and contexts.

Principle areas of interest include the development of multilingual and intercultural awareness and identity among language learners, teacher trainees and language teachers in various educational settings.

The research group meets regularly with the aim of:

  1. Bringing together people who share an interest in researching multilingualism in education and beyond
  2. Establishing a shared set of research objectives
  3. Developing and exchanging ongoing projects and new ideas

The team of Multilingualism on my mind (MoMM) also organises open research seminars (by staff, PhD students and external speakers), as well as roundtable discussions where the members share and exchange ideas and present their research.

In March 2021, we organized the online conference MoMM with more than 300 participants from all over the globe. The next conference, MoMM2, is planned for March 2024. 

Visualising Language Students and Teachers as Multilinguals: Advancing Social Justice in Education

Book Launch

The research group Multilingualism on My Mind is delighted to inform you of a new book launch on Oct. 15th. The new volume ‘Visualising Language Students and Teachers as Multilinguals: Advancing Social Justice in Education’ has a contribution from one of the MoMM members, André Storto.

Guest lecture with professor Sarah Mercer
Profile picture of Sarah Mercer

Understanding language teacher psychology: The key to classroom life

The research group Multilingualism on My Mind has the pleasure and honour of hosting Professor Sarah Mercer, from the University of Graz, as our guest lecturer this semester!


The Ungspråk project with new insights about the link between multilingualism and intercultural competence

We are delighted to inform you that Irina Tiurikova publicly defended her Ph.D. thesis on September 22, 2023.

Profile picture of André Storto

André Storto's PhD defense

We are delighted to inform you that PhD André Storto will publicly defend his PhD thesis on February 14, 2023. You are warmly welcome to attend this exciting event either in person or online!

Young people

Norske ungdommar er glade og stolte over å vere fleirspråklege

Kven kan kalle seg fleirspråkleg? Det ville vi lære meir om i Ungspråk-prosjektet.

Do you want to connect with us? 

We welcome you to present your research in one of our online MoMM seminar, or in person!