Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (TeLEd) research group
TeLEd Monthly Research Series

Educational Change Leaders and Bounded Rationality

In this instance of the TeLEd Monthly Event Series, we are honored to have Torgny Roxå, who is Senior Lecturer at the Academic Development Unit for the Faculty of Engineering, LTH, at Lund University (Sweden). More importantly, Torgny is, arguably, the leading figure in academic development in Europe and one of the best in the world. His work (with Katarina Mårtensson) on teaching and learning cultures and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning is foundational to our work on teaching and learning in higher education. This session will look at his recent research with Oddrid Førland on how people in leading positions in various Norwegian SFUs (Centers for Excellence in Teaching and Learning) have approached situations where they have had to re-think their strategies for change.

Picture of Torgny Roxå presenting at ISSOTL conference
Robert Gray

Main content

Roxå and Førland interviewed SFU leaders around Norway in order to explore situations where the leaders had to “re-think.” These collected narratives describe situations where something happened and they, the leaders, had to stop for a while and think things over. The purpose of this research is to explore how these leaders reason through these situations and what personal resources they draw from.

This particular seminar will use concepts like bounded rationality and choice architecture to problematize observations about how the leaders responded. It will also consider implications for higher educational choice architectures and how to best support educational change leaders within higher education.