News archive for Philosophy of science
Michael Baumgartner and Christoph Falk published a paper entitled "Configurational Causal Modeling and Logic Regression" in Multivariate Behavioral Research (2021):
Martyna Swiatczak's paper entitled "Towards a neo-configurational theory of intrinsic motivation" was published in Motivation and Emotion (2021):
Martyna Swiatczak's paper on "Different algorithms, different models" was published in Quality & Quantity (2021):
Michael Baumgartner's paper on "Qualitative Comparative Analysis and robust sufficiency" was published in Quality & Quantity (2021):
L. Casini and M. Baumgartner (2021), The PC Algorithm and the Inference to Constitution, The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. doi: 10.1086/714820. Online supplementary material; [penultimate draft]
New procedure estimating the robustness of configurational causal models introduced in a paper in Sociological Methods & Research
A procedure for optimizing the fit of configurational causal models has been introduced in a new paper published in Sociological Methods & Research.
The Bergen Logic Group and the NFR-funded project `Anti-Exceptionalism About Logic' organized the conference The Normativity of Logic, June 14-16 2017 (University of Bergen).
The Bergen Logic Group visited Pavia and the centre UISS. Together with UISS and the University of Bologna we organized a workshop in the philosophy of logic, especially logical pluralism and anti-exceptionalism.
The current issue of the Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy (vol. 4, nr. 3, 2016) features papers by two of our department members: Christian Erbacher has written on 'Wittgenstein and His Literary Executors' and Alois Pichler has reviewed Mauro Engelmann's (who visited us as guest researcher in the fall of 2015) book Wittgenstein's Philosophical Development: Phenomenology, Grammar,... Read more
From Monday 12th to Wednesday 14th of May there will be a workshop on Kant's moral philosophy in the Department of Philosophy, Sydnesplassen 12/13, room 2010. Open for all!
- October 2021 (2)
- August 2021 (1)
- June 2021 (4)
- April 2019 (2)
- March 2016 (1)
- May 2014 (1)