Welfare, labour and health

Main content

DEMOSOS:  Demographic and social changes – challenges for employment and welfare

DEMOSOS is a broadly defined research project that aims to apply the rich Norwegian data registers to investigate factors that affect education, health and labor market participation over the life course. The project merges full population longitudinal data from Statistics Norway, the Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration (NAV), the Directorate for Education and Training, the Directorate of Health, and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

The project complies with the regulations in the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), and a DPIA (Data Protection Impact Assessment) has been carried out by the Norwegian Centre for Research Data (NSD). The project has been approved by the Regional Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics (REK, Ref 2015/869/REK vest).

DEMOSOS is a cooperation between the University of Bergen and the NORCE research center.

DEMOSOS has three subprojects applying different combinations of the register data:

DEMOSOS 1: Family, birth, and childhood: influences on education, work and social insurance.

This subproject aims to investigate how neonatal health and care situation in the toddler phase, and family structure and changes in family structure during childhood, affect education and labor market affiliation in young adulthood.

DEMOSOS 2: Health, work, and social insurance

In this subproject, we study links between health, work and pension/social security. The health situation of the individual plays an important role in relation to, for example, decisions on labor market participation and early retirement. For social security schemes such as sickness benefits and disability pensions, the importance of health is even more obvious. One purpose of this subproject is both to study how different events (e.g., early retirement) affect the individual's health condition, and to investigate how health affects the course of the labor market, both at a young age and closer to retirement. A second purpose is to study how actors in the health services affect, for example, sick leave and disability pension.

DEMOSOS 3: Evaluating the Welfare State

The Norwegian social insurance schemes and measures in the Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration are constantly changing. A key purpose of this project is to carry out ongoing evaluations of the effects of changes in family and health-related social insurance schemes and participation in NAV measures for employment and use of social insurance benefits. Global and technological changes also lead to changes in the working conditions. Another purpose of the project is therefore to study how such changed framework conditions, such as changes in competitive conditions or technology, affect demand for labor, employment, and social insurance. A third purpose is to investigate how changes in working life affect employment, family networks and the use of welfare state services. A fourth purpose is to study how global changes that affect immigration patterns affect developments in social mobility over time.


Project contact: Associate Professor Astrid Louise Hanssen Wang, University of Bergen


DEMOSOS Publications

PhD Dissertations

Jansen, Halvard Sandvik: Empirical Essays on Health, Educational Attainment and Labor Market Exclusion. University of Bergen, 2023.

Alne, Ragnar Hjellset: Empirical Essays on Welfare, Education, and Labor Market Outcomes. University of Bergen, 2021.

Breivik, Anne-Lise: Determinants of Health and Labor Market Outcomes. University of Bergen, 2020.

Abrahamsen, Signe Aase: Public Policy, Health, and Welfare. University of Bergen, 2019.

Lillebø, Otto Sevaldson: Ageing, Health, and Labour Market Participation. University of Bergen, 2018.


International Scientific Journals

Ginther, Donna K; Grasdal, Astrid L; Pollak, Robert A (2022): Fathers’ Multiple-Partner Fertility and Children’s Educational Outcomes. Demography Vol. 59 (1), pp. 389-415

Hvide, Hans H and Julian V Johnsen (2022): COVID-19 and mental health: a longitudinal population study from Norway. European Journal of Epidemiology volume 37, pages167–172.

Hetlevik , Øystein; Holmås, Tor Helge and Monstad, Karin (2021): Continuity of care, measurement and association with hospital admission and mortality: a registry-based longitudinal cohort study. BMJ Open General Practice/Family Practice

Bratberg, Espen; Holmås, Tor Helge; Monstad, Karin (2020): Health effects of reduced workload for older employees. Health Economics, 2020, Vol.29(5), p.554-566

Kurt R. Brekke, Tor Helge Holmås, Karin Monstad, and Odd Rune Straume (2020): How Does The Type of Remuneration Affect Physician Behavior?: Fixed Salary versus Fee-for-Service. American Journal of Health Economis, Vol 6(1)

Julie Riise, Barton Willage, Alexander Willén (2020): Can Female Doctors Cure the Gender STEMM Gap? Evidence from Exogenously Assigned General Practitioners. The Review of Economics and Statistics 104 (4): 621–635

Brekke, Kurt Richard; Holmås, Tor Helge; Monstad, Karin and Straume, Odd Rune (2019): Competition and physician behaviour: Does the competitive environment affect the propensity to issue sickness certificates? Journal of Health Economics, 2019, Volume 66, s. 117-135

Grøtting, Maja Weemes and Lillebø, Otto Sevaldson (2019): Health effects of retirement: evidence from survey and register data. Journal of Population Economics, 2019, s. 1-34

Holmås, Tor Helge; Karin Monstad and Darina Steskal (2017): Family Matters? The Importance of Relatives for Frail Elders’ Mortality and Hospital Readmission. Population Ageing 12, 229–246 (2019)

Kurt R. Brekke,Tor Helge Holmås,Karin Monstad,Odd Rune Straume (2018): Socio‐economic status and physicians' treatment decisions. Health Economics, Vol 27(3), e77-e89

Brekke, Kurt Richard; Holmås, Tor Helge; Monstad, Karin and Straume, Odd Rune (2017): Do treatment decisions depend on physicians' financial incentives? Journal of Public Economics, Vol 155,  Pages 74-92

Sturla Gjesdal, Tor Helge Holmås, Karin Monstad, Øystein Hetlevik (2016): GP consultations for common mental disorders and subsequent sickness certification: register-based study of the employed population in Norway. Family Practice 33(6), 656-662.


Norwegian Journals

Holmås, Tor Helge and Oddvar Kaarboe (2021): Hvilke faktorer påvirker bruken av ordningen med fritt behandlingsvalg? Samfunnsøkonomen 6-2021

Jan Erik Askildsen, Tor Helge Holmås, Oddvar Kaarbøe, and Karin Monstad (2016): Evaluering av kommunal medfinansiering. Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning 2(2), 135-141.