BSRS 2019: Make an impact on policies for a sustainable future

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There is an urgent need to connect research to the 2030 Agenda. This summer we will help you find the tools you need to play a role in the interface between science and policymaking.
How would you frame your research to make an impact on policies for a sustainable future? We invite PhD candidates to spend two weeks in Bergen next summer to focus on the important role researchers play in the interface between science and policymaking.
We will select 100 PhD candidates to join us in Bergen from 17-27 June, 2019, to discuss and explore science advice with some of the best international practitioners.
Check out the courses and requirements. Application deadline: 24 February 2019
BSRS 2019 offers a series of parallel multidisciplinary working groups with top international lecturers, and cutting-edge keynotes to help you make your research play a role for a sustainable future.
The annual Bergen Summer Research School (BSRS) is an interdisciplinary venue for exploring some of the greatest challenges of our time. We take on some of the biggest global challenges, from health, migration, and climate change, to poverty, water management, and cultural heritage, and tie it all together with common sessions on research tools, presentation skills, keynotes by high-profile researchers, plenary discussions, and an excursion into the Norwegian waterscape.
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to get updates about the programme.
BSRS seeks to create a unique environment for the participants to present, engage, discuss, progress their thinking, and improve on their work.
Courses next summer:
Ocean, Climate, Society: Instabilities and mobilities on the climate change frontline
Agenda 2030: Poverty, Climate Change and Sustainability
Migration Processes and Practices: Theories, methods and ethical conduct
Cultural Policy: Arts Heritage & Sustainability
The unfinished agenda of maternal and child health: Getting research into policy
Water management and sustainable development
Bergen Summer Research School is a joint effort by the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Chr. Michelsen Institute, NHH Norwegian School of Economics, NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS, and the University of Bergen.