BSRS 2009: Climate, Environment and Energy

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The second edition of the Bergen Summer Research School 2009 was dedicated to the theme of Climate, Environment and Energy. The theme will intersect with the other key topics of the Bergen Summer Research School (poverty, health, norms, values, language and culture) and will be structured around the following concepts:
- Mitigation
- Adaptation
- Responsibilities
- Opportunities
Considering the predicted dramatic increase in the energy demand in the next decades, one can easily argue that one of the key issues is also a global energy challenge. These are also fundamentally economic challenges, leading to rethink new forms of local, national and global governance. Alternative sources of energy are now an emergency, but so is the need for energy conservation and alternative consumption patterns among the rich.
A particular emphasis will be held on the human and social dimensions of climate change and the global energy challenge; questions related to economics, water and food supply and availability, biodiversity, health, the political challenges of our current generation, and ethical questions, including debating global and national responsibilities.
Bergen Summer Research School 2009 aimed to offer interdisciplinary approaches and to develop tools to overcome methodological and epistemological challenges. Last, the north-south dimension will be always kept as a fundamental issue.