BSRS 2013 Background
Main content
A basic need, a pleasure, a cultural and religious marker, an ethical, environmental and a health challenge, an economic resource, a manifestation of power, a political battle ground - food shapes all aspects of our lives. Some of us have too little, others too much, and we deal with and distribute the global food resource in ways that may not be ethically, environmentally, or economically sustainable.
Technological development opens new opportunities for food production, but also redefines what we think of as healthy, edible, good and right. But technology cannot decouple food and nature - all of us, urban or rural, rich or poor, depend on the goods and services that ecosystems provide for our livelihoods. Hence, ecosystem degradation is a global concern, but the technological and economic ability to adapt is not equally distributed.
Food can be a source of conflict, around tables as well as among nations. Globalization processes have consequences for how we solve these various challenges related to food production, distribution, and consumption at all scales and levels.
Food is a cross-disciplinary research challenge. From nutrition and medicine to law, from aquaculture to cultural studies, from psychology to comparative politics, research can identify problems, suggest solutions, and create opportunities.
Food as a global development challenge is the crosscutting theme of the BSRS 2013. During two weeks in June 2013, from June 17th to 29th, the BSRS will gather an international group of research students and scientists to explore these complex and interlinked challenges in an interdisciplinary atmosphere.
Course descriptions can be found on the BSRS 2013 page.
The BSRS 2013 will be organised in four parallel courses:
The Economics and Politics of Global Agriculture and Trade (coordinated by the Norwegian School of Economics).
Surf & Turf – Ecological Perspectives on Food Production from Marine and Terrestrial Systems (coordinated by the Department of Biology)
The Global Food System (coordinated by the University Museum of Bergen and the Department of Geography, UiB)
Micronutrient Research for Global Health (coordinated by the Centre for International Health, the Department of Medicine and the Department of Public Health and Primary Health Care, UiB)
The four courses will be bound together by joint lectures by high-profile keynote speakers, plenary discussions, and activities that promote societal involvement. In addition to the doctoral courses, a set of plenary sessions and public meetings will reach out to the wider community in the overall perspective of global challenges.
For the programme of BSRS 2013, click here (pdf).
Click here for the entire print version of the programme (pdf), containing all relevant information about courses, plenaries and other activities.
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