CDP courses is a supplement to the elective part of the PhD program at the Faculty of Psychology. We aim to offer courses in scientific perspectives, ethics and research methods. The courses are generally open to PhD students outside our graduate program, CDP students having priority over external students. Courses that do not have a calculated range of ECTS will give 1 ECTS for a workload of 25 - 30 hours.
Main content
Qualitative research A and B - theory, presentation and reflection
Dates: 29. January, 19. March and 21. May
Location: Alrek Helseklynge
Language of instruction: Norwegian
Lecturer: Signe H. Stige
Registration: 3. January:
Course code: CDP925A (5 ECTS), CDP925B (1 ECTS)
Scientific Publishing
Dates: 5.-6. March
Location: TBA (Christies gate 12 or Alrek Helseklynge)
Language of instruction: Norwegian/English (depending og participants)
Lecturer: Elisabeth Flo-Groeneboom
Registration: .3. February, PhD Course: Scientific Publishing
Course code: CDP928
Course description: Scientific Publishing
Researching crisis, disasters and operational processes: Theoretical, methodological, and ethical issues
Dates: 09. and 10. April. For those who will attend the 3 ECTS-version of the course, there will in addition be an obligatory teacher guided research seminar 11. June.
Location: Christies Gate 12
Ects: 3 (1 ECTS if only to take part in the two-day lectures with recommended readings)
Lecturer: Professor David Alexander (UCL), Dr. Gianluca Pescaroli (UCL), Professor Jarle Eid (UiB)
Registration: 18.03.2024 by using this form
Type of course: Subject specific course
Language of instruction: English
Course Description
Causal modeling: Statistical analysis of mediation and moderation
Date: 05.06.2024 - 07.06.2024
Location: Alrek Helseklynge
2 ects
Lecturer: Professor Helge Molde
Registration:23.05.2024 by using this form
Course code: CDP919
Type of course: Methods
Maximum number of participants: 12
Language of instuction: Norwegian
Multilevel analyses of clustered data – Linear Mixed Model in SPSS
Date: 12. and 13. December
Location: Møllendalsbakken 9, 5th floor
Ects: 1,5
Language of instruction: Norwegian
Lecturer: Rolf Gjestad
Registration: 05. October:
Course code: CDP992
Regression models in SPSS
Date: 31 October. and 1. November
Location: Møllendalsbakken 9, 5th floor
Ects: 1
Language of instruction: Norwegian
Lecturer: Rolf Gjestad
Registration: 23. September:
CANCELLED: The Psychology of Loss and Trauma
Date: 01. and 02. june (09:00-16:00)
Location: Seminarrom 111, Christies gate 12 (Faculty building)
Language of instruction: English
Lecturer: George Bonanno
Registration: 22.april via
Available slots: 20 slots (max)
Course code: CDP911
Course type: Subject specific course
Including vulnerable groups in research - ethical considerations
Date: 10. and 11. may (09:00-16:00)
Location: Edda 0H17, Alrek helseklynge, Årstadveien 17
Language of instruction: Norwegian/English (depending on needs)
Lecturer: Elisabeth Flo-Groeneboom & Stine Lehmann
Registration: 24.april via
Available slots: 50 slots (max)
Course code: CDP926
Course type: Subject specific course
Scientific Methods: Meta-Analysis
Date: 17. and 18. april (09:00-16:00)
Location: Grupperom007 (17.april) and Seminarrom004 (18.april), Christies gate 12
Language of instruction:
Lecturer: Ståle Pallesen & Sara Jahnke
Registration: 03.april via
Available slots: 18 slots (max)
Course code: CDP924
Course type: Methods
Evaluating psychosocial interventions and treatments
Date: 01.desember, 05.-06.desember
Time: 9am to 16pm both days
Location: Digitalt (01.desember) & Årstadveien 17 (Alrek Helseklynge) rom 3F9 Hardbakka (05.-06.desember)
Language of instruction: Norwegian
Lecturer: Professor Emeritus Lars-Göran Öst, Gro Janne Wergeland, Rolf Gjestad, Yngvild Sørebø Danielsen, Bente Storm Mowatt Haugland
Registration: 21. November:
Available slots: 25 slots (max)
Course code: CDP910 (2 ECTS)
Multilevel analyses of clustered data – Linear Mixed Model in SPSS
Date: 19. and 20. October
Location: Møllendalsbakken 9, 5th floor
Ects: 1,5
Language of instruction: Norwegian
Lecturer: Rolf Gjerstad
Registration: 05. October:
Course code: CDP992
Regression models in SPSS
Date: 29. and 30. September
Location: Møllendalsbakken 9, 5th floor
Ects: 1
Language of instruction: Norwegian
Lecturer: Rolf Gjerstad
Registration: 23. September:
The Psychology of Loss and Trauma
Date: 31 May and 1 June
Time: 9am to 16pm both days
Location: Christies gate 12, room 111 (31 May) and room 555 (1 June)
Language of instruction: English
Lecturer: George A. Bonanno
Registration: 20. May:
Available slots: 20 slots (max)
Course code: CDP911 (1 ECTS)
Qualitative research A and B - theory, presentation and reflection
Date: 1. February, 29. March and 24. April 2022
Location: Alrek Helseklynge, Årstadlien 17, meeting room Borgaskaret
Language of instruction: Norwegian
Lecturer: Signe H. Stige
Registration: 11. January:
Course code: CDP925A (5 ECTS), CDP925B (1 ECTS)
Qualitative metasynthesis
Date: 19. April and 19. May 2022
Location: Alrek Helseklynge, Årstadlien 17, meeting room Borgaskaret
Language of instruction: Norwegian
Lecturer: Aslak Hjeltnes, Marius Veseth, Christian Moltu, Universitetsbiblioteket
Registration: 5. April:
Course code: CDP930 (2 ECTS)
Multilevel analyses of clustered data – Linear Mixed Model in SPSS
Date: 20. and 21. October
Location: Møllendalsbakken 9, 5. floor
Ects: 1,5
Language of instruction: Norwegian
Lecturer: Rolf Gjerstad
Registration: 22. September:
Course code: CDP992
Regression models
Date: 30. September
Place: Bergen or digital
Language of instruction: Norwegian
Lecturer: Rolf Gjerstad
Registration: 15. September
Kvalitativ forsking – teori, presentasjon og refleksjon
Dato: 9. februar, 24. mars og 5. mai
Sted: Det Psykologiske Fakultet
Kursholder: Signe H. Stige
Oppmeldingsfrist: 18.01.2021:
Emnekode: CDP925A (5 studiepoeng), CDP925B (1 studiepoeng)
Type kurs: Metode
Scientific Methods: Meta-Analysis
Date: 14.01.2021 - 15.01.2021
Location: Christies Gate 12
Lecturer: Ståle Pallesen
Tutorial registration: 05.01.2021:
Coursecode: CDP924
Type of course: Methods
Scientific Methods: Analysis of qualitative data by using Systematic Text Condention (STC)
Date: 16. November (10-16), 17. Noveber (9-15), 18. November (10-16)
Location: Møllendalsbakken 9, 5. floor
Ects: 1,5
Language of instruction: Norwegian
Lecturer: May Aasebø Hauken
Registration: 1. Septeber:
Course code:
Multilevel analyses of clustered data – Linear Mixed Model in SPSS
Date: 28. September (10-16) and 29. September (9-15)
Location: Møllendalsbakken 9, 5. floor
Ects: 1,5
Language of instruction: Norwegian
Lecturer: Rolf Gjerstad
Registration: 1 August:
Course code:
The Psychology of Loss and Trauma
Date: 9-10. March 2020
Ects: 1
Lecturer: Professor George A. Bonanno
Course code: CDP911
Metasyntese av kvalitativ forskning
The course is postponed, we will try to find new dates
Dates: 16. March and 29. April
Place: TBA
Studepoeng: 2 ects
Language of instruction: Norwegian
Lecturers: Marius Veseth, Aslak Hjeltnes, Kjersti Aksnes-Hopland og Christian Moltu
Registration: 02.03.2020 at
Type of course: Methods
Causal modeling: Statistical analysis of mediation and moderation
Date: 23.10.2019 - 25.10.2019
Location: Christiesgate 12
2 ects
Lecturer: Professor Torbjørn Torsheim and Associate Professor Sigurd Hystad
Registration:Two weeks before course start on studentweb or by e-mail to
Course code: CDP919
Type of course: Methods
Kvalitativ forsking – teori, presentasjon og refleksjon
Dato: 29. januar, 14. mars og 29. mai
Sted: Det Psykologiske Fakultet
Kursholder: Signe H. Stige og Marius Veseth
Oppmeldingsfrist: 02.01.2019 (via studentweb)
Emnekode: CDP925A (5 studiepoeng), CDP925B (1 studiepoeng)
Type kurs: Metode
Scientific and Scholarly Publishing
Date: 19.03.2019 - 20.03.2019
Time: 09:00 - 16:00
Location: Christiesgate 12
2 ects
Lecturer: Professor Gary Vandenbos
Registration: 01.02.2019 in studentweb
Maximum number of participants: 10
Course code: PS914
Type of course: Fagspesifikke emner
Scientific Methods: Meta-Analysis
Date: 22.11.2018 - 23.11.2018
Location: Christies Gate 12
Lecturer: Ståle Pallesen and Helge Molde
Tutorial registration: 08.11.2018 on studentweb.
Coursecode: CDP924
Type of course: Methods
Linear mixed modeling of treatment/intervention studies
Date: 23.05.2018 - 25.05.2018
Time: 09:00 - 16:00
Location: Christies Gate 12, seminar room 110
2 ects
Lecturer: Torbjørn Torsheim
Tutorial registration: 09.05.2018 on studentweb.
The maximum number of participants is 20.
Coursecode: CDP991
Type of course: Methods
Scientific and Scholarly Publishing
Date: 25.04.2017 - 26.04.2017
Time: 09:00 - 16:00
Location: Christiesgate 12, Room 004
2 ects
Lecturer: Professor Gary Vandenbos
Tutorial registration: 01.03.2017 in studentweb
Course code: PS914
Type of course: Fagspesifikke emner
Linear mixed modeling of treatment/intervention studies
Date: 23.11.2016 - 25.11.2016
Time: 09:00 - 16:00
Location: Christiesgate 12, Rom 004
2 ects
Lecturer: Torbjørn Torsheim
Tutorial registration: 10.11.2016 on studentweb. The maximum number of participants is 15.
Coursecode: CDP991
Type of course: Methods
Development, implementations and evaluation of knowledge-based practice
Date: 22.09.2016 - 23.09.2016
Time: 09:00 - 16:00
Location: Christiesgate 12, Rom 003
1 ects
Lecturer: Terje Ogden
Tutorial registration: 08.09.2016 (via studentweb)
Coursecode: CDP923
Type of course: Subject specific courses (after 01.01.15) / Perspectives (prior to 01.01.15)
Qualitative Data Analysis - Phenomenology and Hermeneutics in Thematic Analysis
Date: Spring 2016
Time: 25.02.2016 og 03.03.2016
Location: Christiesgt. 12
3 ects
Lecturer: Christian Moltu and Per-Einar Binder
Tutorial registration: 01.02.2015
Coursecode: CDP916
Communication and community relations
Date: 17.02.2016 - 19.02.2016
Time: 08:00 - 16:00
Location: Christiesgt. 12
1 ects
Lecturer: Geelmuuyden Kiese
Tutorial registration: 01.02.2015
Coursecode: CDP920
Causal modeling: Statistical analysis of mediation and moderation
Date: Fall 2015
Time: 17.11 - 19.11
Location: Christiesgt. 12
2 ects
Lecturer: Professor Torbjørn Torsheim and professor Sigurd Hystad
Deadline: 01.10.2015
Coursecode: CDP919
Linear Mixed Modeling of Development and Treatment/Intervention Effects
Date: 20-22 October
Time: 08.00 - 16.00
Location: Christiesgt. 12
- 20 + 21 October - Room 131, 1st floor
- 22 October - Room 555, 5th floor
1 ects
Lecturer: Professor Torbjørn Torsheim
Deadline Studentweb: 22. september 2014
Coursecode: CDP990 (1 ects)
Research Ethics
Date: 25-26 November
Time: 08.00 - 16.00
Location: Christiesgt. 12, Room 111, 1st floor
1 ects without paper/2 ects with paper
Lecturer: Professor Torbjørn Torsheim
Deadline Studentweb: 27. october 2014
Coursecode CDP913-A Research ethics - Attendance (1 ects)
Coursecode CDP913-B Research ethics - Paper (1 ects)
Registering i Studentweb 2 veker før kursstart.
Research Ethics
Dato: 11-12 Mars 2013
Tid: 08.00 - 16.00
Måndag: Christies gate 12, rom 110. Tirsdag: Christies gate 12, rom 131.
1 STP utan oppgåve/2 STP med oppgåve
Kurshaldarleader: Torbjørn Torsheim
Kurskoordinator: Torbjørn Torsheim
Emnekoder til studenweb:
CDP913-A Research ethics - Attendance (1 ECTS)
CDP913-B Research ethics- Paper (1 ECTS)
Qualitative data analysis - phenomenology and hermeneutics in thematic analysis
Dato: 23-24 Mai 2013
Tid: 09:15 - 15:00
Stad: Christies gate 12, 4. etasje, rom 446
Kurskoordinator:Per-Einar Binder, Dr. psychol., professor i psykologi
Emnekode til studenweb: CDP916
Psychotherapy Research
Kurset er avlyst
Kurshaldar: Lars-Göran Öst
Emnekode til studentweb: PS911
Developmental psychopathology and behavioral and social development in children and youth
Kurset er avlyst
Kurshaldar: Terje Ogden
Emnekode til studentweb: CDP917
Registration deadline: 2 weeks before the course starts.
Qualitative data analysis - phenomenology and hermeneutics in thematic analysis
Note that this course has been POSTPONED to april 18-19th 2013.
Date: 20.-21. November 2012
Time: 09:15 - 15:00
Location: Christiesgate 12, 4th floor, room 446
Course coordinator:Per-Einar Binder, Dr. psychol., professor in psychology
Scientific and scholarly publishing
Date: 30.-31. August 2012
Time: 09:15 - 15:00
Location 30. August: Christiesgate 12, 1st floor, room 136
Location 31. August: Christiesgate 12, 4th floor, room 446
Course leader: Prof. II Gary VandenBos
Course coordinator: Torbjørn Torsheim
Research Ethics
Date: 5.-6. March 2012
Time: 08.00 - 16.00
Location 5. March: Christiesgate 12, 1st floor, Room 135
Location 6. March: Christiesgate 12, 1st floor, Room 135
1 ECTS without paper/2 ECTS with paper
Course leader: Torbjørn Torsheim
Course coordinator: Torbjørn Torsheim
Risk assessment in stalkers and spousal assault offenders
Date: 21.-23. March 2012
Time: 09.00 - 16.00
21. March: Christiesgate 12, 1st floor, room 111
22. March : Christiesgate 12, 4th floor, room 446
23. March: Christiesgate 12, 1st floor, room 131
1.5 ECTS
Course leader: Henrik Belfrage
Course coordinator: Anita Lill Hansen
Biological and cognitive methods in cognitive and individual Psychology
Note that this course has been CANCELLED
Date: 19.-20. April 2012
Time: 08.00 - 16.00
1.5 ECTS
Course leader: Ståle Pallesen
Course coordinator: Ståle Pallesen
Registration deadline: 2 weeks before the course starts it not otherwise specified
Psychoteraphy research
Date: 17 February and 5 April 2011
6 September and 19 October
(in Norwegian/Swedish only)
3 ects
Lecturer: Professor Lars Göran Öst
Scientific and scholarly publishing
Date: 1-2 September 2011
2 ects
Prof. II Gary VandenBos
Linear mixed modeling of treatment/intervention studies
Date: 21, 22, 23 November
1 ects
Associate Professor Torbjørn Torsheim
Mulitvariate Methods
Date: 2-3 desember 2010
1 ects
Professor II Julian Thayer
Research Ethics
Date: 29-30 November 2010
2 ects
Course coordinator:
Prof. Inger Hilde Nordhus
Scientific and scholarly publishing
Date: 2-3 September 2010
2 ects
Prof. II Gary VandenBos
Developmental psychopathology and behavioural and social development in children and youth
Date: 3-4 June 2010
2 ects
Professor Terje Ogden, UiO and
Course coordinator:
Professor Terje Manger, UiB
Vitenskapsteori og etisk refleksivitet i klinisk psykologi og utviklingspsykologi
Date: 5 March and 9 April 2010
(only in Norwegian)
3 ects
Course coordinators:
Prof. Per-Einar Binder and Assoc. prof. Helge Holgersen
Mixed linear modeling of treatment/intervention studies
Date: 8 and 22 October 2009
5 and 26 November 2009
2 ects
Course coordinator:
Associate Professor Torbjørn Torsheim
Scientific and Scholary Publishing
Date: 31 August and 1 September 2009
2 ects
Course coordinator:
Professor II Gary R. VandenBos
Doing research in operational organizations and demanding situations: Collaborative efforts.
Date: 21-23 April 2009 (in Bergen, Norway)
and 16-18 September 2009 (in Karlstad, Sweden)
3,5 or 7 ects
Course coordinators:
Professor Jon Christian Laberg
Professor Gerry Larsson
Kvalitativ metode i klinisk psykologi, utviklingspsykologi og musikkterapi: refleksivitet, kvalitet, brukerinvolvering og praksisrelevans (in Norwegian only)
Date: 22-23 January and 19-20 March 2009
2 or 5 ects
Course coordinators:
Per-Einar Binder, Dr. psychol., professor i psykologi.
Helge Holgersen, Ph. D., førsteamanuensis i psykologi.
Randi Rolvsjord, Ph. D., førsteamanuensis i musikkterapi
Brynjulf Stige, Dr art., professor i musikkterapi.
Psychopathy and Violence Risk: Theoretical and Practical Issues
Date: 2- 3 December 2008
3 ects
Professor David J. Cooke
Course coordinator:
Post doc. Anita Lill Hansen
Autism Spectrum Disorders: Developmental Predictors, Diagnosis, ABA Treatment, and Impact on the Family
Date: 9-10 October 2008
3 ects
Professor Sandra Harris
Course coordinator:
Professor Jon Christian Laberg
Kurs i psykoterapiforskning (in Norwegian/Swedish only)
Date: 22 September and 29 October 2008 29 January 2009 and 19 March 2009.
3 ects
Professor Lars-Göran Öst
Course coordinator:
Professor Odd Havik
Cognitive, Behavioural and Transdiagnostic Treatment Approaches for Insomnia and its Common Comorbidities
Date: 12 and 13 June 2008
3 ects
Professor Allison Harvey
Course coordinator:
Professor Inger Hilde Nordhus
Hvordan oppsummere klinisk psykologisk forskning? (in Norwegian only)
Date: 22 and 29 May 2008
3 ects
Course coordinator and lecturer:
Associate Professor Dagfinn Winje
Biological and cognitive methods in clinical and individual psychology
Date: 24-25 April 2008
3 ects
Course coordinator:
Professor Ståle Pallesen
Developmental psychopathology and behavioural and social development in children and youth
Date: 6-7 March 2008
3 ects
Professor Terje Ogden
Course coordinators:
Associate Professor Bente S. Haugland Professor Terje Manger.
Vitenskapsteori i klinisk- og individualpsykologi (only in Norwegian)
Date: 18 January and 1 February 2008
3 ects
Course coordinators:
Associate Professor Per-Einar Binder
Associate Professor Helge Holgersen